[Pay The Price]

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(Can you guys believe that after this chapter, we only have four more to go? I was hoping to finish this one a bit earlier... but regardless, I think it progressed fairly well. Anyway, here is the next part! I was also requested to update the next chapter for Fated so that's next on my list. Enjoy!~)

---(Y/n)'s Pov---

At the sound of the door closing, I let out a sigh. Sans seemed to ease up on his hold, if only slightly so.

I felt my hands grasping at Sans' clothing, gripping at his ribcage through the fabric that I held. It was comforting to be pressed against him, to know that he was here. He took a heavy breath, holding on to some kind of relief.

"Is... everyone alright?" My voice was quiet, but Sans obviously heard me. The skeleton pulled away so he could train his eye lights on me, entirely focused on how I sounded. I was shaking, but trying to hide that from him... though, he obviously was aware. The life I led, I pushed forward and pretended like nothing was wrong. "No one was injured?"

I felt the blanket below me being pulled over my head, covering most of my body like a cloak. The ebony fabric was soft, and made me feel less exposed. "You were."

Sans' baritone voice was deeper than usual, maybe a bit strained... It wasn't long before the skeleton moved his arms under me, lifting my weight from the floor with ease. "Y'know, ya shouldn't be up. Might stress out yer wound, sweets."

"I've had worse." I assured him, but he only shook his skull. I was trying to regain my composure, and he could easily tell. Right now, I might of been physically functioning... but anyone with the ability to pry deeper would of noticed my emotional strain.  "I suppose that I am somewhat... uneasy. Physically, I am fine."

I decided that I probably shouldn't lie to him. It was no secret that Sans wasn't fond of liars, but... still, I felt like I had to reassure him. Even if I didn't seem very convincing. "Did you remove the bullet from my shoulder?"

"Yeah." One of my hands released Sans' ribcage in order to touch my wound, but he snatched it in a single movement before I could go any further. He then brought my captured hand towards his cheek, settling it there so that he could lean into it. "Don't touch it. Don't want ya to hurt yourself or somethin'."

Looking down towards my bandaged wound, Sans' eye lights followed my stare. He was quiet for a moment before he moved, his shoes clicked against the floor of his business area until he managed to enter his bedroom. The door closed behind him at the flick of his wrist, a simple lazy action.

With my (E/c) eyes better adjusted to the lighting, I managed to look around a bit more. His floor was wooden while his bed was completely made... well, other than the blanket that I stole. Next to his bed was a small table with a lamp and the medical tools that he used on it... and beside it against the wall was a metal bat.

It took me a second to realize that he had one of his shirts on the floor... and that it was covered in some of my blood. "I'll replace your shirt, Sans..."

He approached the edge of his bed where he sat down, placing me in front of him before he moved towards his bed frame against the wall, leaning his spine against it. His coat wasn't buttoned up, which showed off his waistcoat. The creases in his clothing instantly told me that he was probably exhausted. However, it was no secret once I noticed the darkness under his sockets. "I have a lot more. Don't worry yer pretty lil' head over it."

There he goes again, acting like he wasn't bothered in the slightest. Technically, I ruined his shirt. Although... I think I'm more aware of how far he'll go for me. I mean... the whole marriage thing- was he... serious about that? Or was it a bluff?

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