[Side Job]

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(Here is chapter three to this story! I have a few things to do today, but if I manage to make it back at a decent hour... then I might do another update within the evening ^-^ Anyway, enjoy!~)

---(Y/n)'s Pov---

Customers were not too frequent as the week went by. Strangely enough, Sans happened to show up four days within the whole week... which according to Grillby, was very unusual. We never shared the slightest glance, but I could feel him glaring at me whenever I managed to turn around.

That wasn't the only thing... Sans wouldn't dare to accept a drink from me, or any kind of food. When that skeleton walked in here, he was demanding to be served by strictly Grillby. Puns were not shared with me, and some Monsters tried to avoid be due to his distaste. I understood since Sans had a lot of pull within his organization... however, I wasn't aware of his strong relationships.

Too bad his Human friendships were very difficult to maintain.

Three days ago, I received a letter from Papyrus which was deposited at a common meeting place that Grillby would visit. When no one was around, he would look for any mail and then return it to me. Paps was requesting a meeting, however... with Sans acting rude at the bar, I wasn't too interested in delivering my services.

No doubt they wanted some kind of information... and thankfully from the back alley of the bar, I actually caught some interesting conversations. Of course, one of the people that spoke out was someone that I didn't want to deal with. The things that he spoke of and his mere identity were both enough to make me turn away.

Although what he had said sounded interesting, and even appealing... I knew that it would be a pointless mission. That young man- no... that investigator... was a damned fool. Too inexperienced to know when something was impossible for him.

Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I watched as Sans and Frisk entered the bar together. I felt Sans scowling at the sight of me still being here... but Frisk was overly enthusiastic. They waved in content, smiling ear to ear. "Hi, (Y/n)!"

I gave them both a small wave and smile. Frisk was holding out their hand expectantly, like some gang member demanding cash from some weak target... I could only shake my head before reaching into my pocket. I pulled out a red lollipop before passing it to the child. "You know, tiny Frisk."

They looked up at me, both of their hands struggled to remove the packaging of the piece of candy. "Asking with words, and even a please and thank you... just might earn you more."

"But- everyone else just told me to look cute!" They proclaimed with a small huff. I blinked twice with confusion before pressing a hand against my head. I couldn't believe what I was hearing- had Sans and Papyrus really pressured this kid into such an act.

"You are adorable- but a lady, or any female for that matter... find polite children to be extremely cute." I explained. Frisk thought about it for a moment, only to give me puppy eyes.

"Please, miss (Y/n)? May I have another?"

My heart stopped.

By now, Sans had moved past us to sit on his bar stool, casually ordering something from his favorite fire Monster.

My hands soon reached into my pocket to produce two more candies, which I held out to Frisk with a small tint of red on my cheeks. This kid was just too much for me, excessive even. "You win."

I groaned out. They did a small cheer before rushing past me to sit next to Sans. From their size, they struggled a bit to climb up the chair- but Sans was quick in grabbing the back of their shirt in a firm grip, lifting them up to their seat.

Little Miss Informant (Mafia Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now