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(Alright then, I was really trying to write this yesterday for you guys... but I had a dreadful headache that I just couldn't focus with. So anyway, here it is today instead! Enjoy!~)

---Sans Pov---

It's been three days since I stormed out of Frisk's birthday party. I honestly thought that Toriel was going to give me a call on my phone, only to start complaining about me ditching it... but thankfully, she was fairly distracted with (Y/n) there.

During the time that Grillby has been here, that fire Monster somehow managed to give me the cold shoulder. Weird right? Considering he's made of fire and all.

Anyway... he gave me a bit of a lecturing since I took (Y/n) without saying much of anything. So naturally, I argued that robbers don't really explain why they're stealing something. Of course, he just groaned and got back to unpacking everything for his bar. From what I could understand, he was mainly upset by the fact that he didn't give the little miss his phone. Honestly- can't she get her own or something?

'No Sans, she can't get her own right now... but it doesn't matter. When she goes out, she has my cellphone. And then from here, I can use the bar's phone. Less maintenance.' Grillby stated. It wasn't much of an excuse, but I didn't bother him over it... after all, doing that would mean holding a conversation for more than five minutes.

If I held a conversation for that long, then she'd show up... and I really didn't know how to face (Y/n) after that... rejection? Yeah, I'm a big bad skeleton who can't even talk to a girl, let alone face her. Frisk didn't make the situation any better either, they taunted me into wanting to leave. Once I did get out of there, I decided to have a few drinks to think about what happened... and then I gave Grillby a call to tell him about what was going on.

Back at the party, I wanted to be on a one time date with (Y/n). The only reason for that was to deal with the other gals that were there. They've wanted to go out with me for some time now, making moves that I easily turned down... but in all honestly, telling them no was starting to be a lot more work than it was worth.

Though... the whole idea did bother me. Why was I comfortable with having (Y/n) by my side for that day, a Human, over a Monster? I wasn't close with any of the females in the Mobsters... especially since they were attracted to my wealth, power and position. When the little miss out right refused me, I couldn't believe it. All of the others would of been swooning over such a simple thing... but not her.

At first, I wondered if it was some kind of racism since she was a Human... however, I didn't pry at that since I've been misjudging her this entire time. Now that I've learned how she saved Grillby, Toriel and even helped Frisk... I mean, the fact that she is working for Grillbz is enough to prove that she has nothing against Monsters.

Lighting a cigar as I laid back into the comfort of a royal blue couch, I knew that something else was bothering me. That (Y/n)... she always seemed to have unusual run ins with unique Humans from the law, or just mafia groups in general. The way she dressed, how she moved... that piano that she played? I'm a judge. I can tell when someone is a little more than what they seem.

But no matter my resolve to figure out more about her, I can never seem to learn much of anything. She's a damned ghost, no traces of her identity anywhere- of course I don't even know her full name or anything... not that Grillby was willing to share that with me. For all I know, she's just a runaway from some really well off family.


Ugh, no. That doesn't seem to fit her character right... even if that was an answer to her, I'm more than aware that her situation is probably very complicated. That miss is way too pretty to be some normal Human...

Little Miss Informant (Mafia Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now