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"these are delicious" mingyu praised jeonghan

the older just smiled "thank you, i was trying out a new recipe and apparently it's good" he said

"good?" seungcheol scoffed "it's delicious" he moaned and took another bite from the cookie in his hand

"so, are you guys dating?" mingyu asked innocently

seungcheol and jeonghan immediately started laughing "so innocent" the oldest said

"no sweetie, we're just doing it" jeonghan said unbothered and then took a bite from his own cookie

"but, don't you guys catch feelings?" mingyu asked

"well, no, the only condition we agreed on when we decided to keep doing it was the no feelings involved rule" seungcheol explained

"i thought you guys were dating behind our backs" seungkwan admitted

jeonghan and seungcheol started laughing again and hansol chuckled "he even told me his conspiracy theory of how you two could be getting married"

they all laughed and jeonghan denied it "no, i guess we don't really fit each other well romantically"

seungcheol agreed and was about to add something when chan walked into the kitchen with nothing on but his underwear and his hair completely messed up

"you should've at least put on some clothes you brat" seungkwan glared at him

chan chuckled and mimicked him before grabbing a cookie "thanks jeonghan" he said and took a bite, then, he raised his eyebrows impressed "these are really good"

"so i've been told" jeonghan smiled at him sweetly

"why do you look at him like that? he's a grown ass teen" seungkwan rolled his eyes "plus, he smells like sex, gross"

"he's a baby" jeonghan and seungcheol said at the same time and then high fived happily

seungkwan once again glared at chan who just stuck out his tongue and left with a bunch of cookies in his hand

mingyu wondered why some people were so addicted to sex, was it that good? or just overrated? "it's probably overrated" he accidentally said out loud

"what's overrated?" seungcheol asked

mingyu looked at the other four who were now staring at him and chuckled "sex" he admitted

"oh, you're a virgin?" jeonghan asked sweetly

"y- yeah" he said shyly, why was he embarrassed? it wasn't a bad thing, he was always aware of that, but saying it out loud just made it embarassing, especially because he was surrounded by non-virgins

"but it's kind of weird that you are, i know you've told us a bunch of times that you don't feel like losing your virginity but, isn't weird? i mean, it's completely normal, not something you should be ashamed of, i just find it really- i just want to know why" seungkwan said

"it's not that complicated really, the thing is that i find sex boring, like it's unnecessary" he said and then looked at the other's reactions

"well, i wouldn't say it's vital to live but it's good for your health and mood if you ask me" jeonghan said and chuckled

"i know, i just don't get why some people link sex with emotions and some people consider sex a meaningless act" he replied

"i guess it's just different for everyone, it depends on the person and the situation" seungcheol explained

"i agree, but, i think your situation is something more mingyu, not only do you not understand sex, you aren't even interested in it" seungkwan said with a soft tone so he wouldn't be misinterpreted

"i heard it's like that for some people, mingyu might just be asexual" hansol said

"asexual? does that mean he can't fall in love with his soulmate? how does that even work? i've heard of the word before but i don't get it" jeonghan said with a curious expression

"that's not what asexuality means, being asexual means you're just not interested in sex, but you can still feel romantic attraction towards other people, of course like any sexuality, it's a spectrum so it can be different for everyone" hansol said

"nerd" seuungcheol teased

mingyu sighed "honestly, i have thought of that but, i think i need more time to figure it out" he pouted tiredly

"no pressure" seungcheol said reassuringly and yawned

he loved that his friends never made a big deal out of anything if it wasn't necessary or turned it awkward, they were just cool with it so he was always comfortable telling them secrets

"well, i have to go cook dinner since mr. and ms. boo will be here soon and i want to cook something good for them too" jeonghan said with a little smile, bowed down and then left

"thanks again jeonghan" seungkwan said with his mouth full of cookies and smiled making him look like a squirrel with its mouth full of nuts

"you're welcome" jeonghan said and left

just then, a very pretty girl with roughed up clothes as if she had put them on in a hurry walked past them with an embarrassed look and asked "where uh- where is the door?"

"the exit is that way" seungkwan signaled the main entrance without even sparing her a glance "oh, and just so you won't be too disappointed i need to warn you, he won't call you back so don't even expect it to happen" he said

the girl just nodded embarrassedly and left without saying anything else


thank you for reading!!

happy soonyoung day c: (it's 10:10pm)

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