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the next day, they decided to have a short date after school was over, wonwoo would walk mingyu home, but first, they would stop at the park and talk or play around

that way, they could tell their parents they had to stay extra time at school to study and they wouldn't suspect a thing

so, there they were, enjoying the park and sitting on a bench while looking at some kids playing around happily

"and you know? sometimes i still regret being so- ugh- how can i even say it? i just regret being like that and lying so much to you, it was a horrible thing to do" wonwoo said sadly

mingyu smiled and leaned on his shoulder "i won't lie, it was probably not the best thing you could've done, but as i've said multiple times, i could never blame you for it, we all make mistakes and you never intended to hurt me which is important" he said

"thanks for that, every single time i feel sad, you're my healing" the older joined his smile and leaned on his head while closing his eyes

"you're also my healing, and i also would like you to always remember that i'm here you and that your past doesn't define you, i know that what you did still makes you feel guilty sometimes, but if nothing of that had happened, we wouldn't be what and who we are today" mingyu replied

"you're right" wonwoo said "you're a literal angel, i'm so lucky"

the other chuckled and they both stayed quiet for a couple of minutes enjoying their presence, mingyu started remembering all the single decisions he had made to end up where he was in that moment and how for him, it all started when he got hit in the winter trip, how scared he was when he saw the mark, and how confusing was what came next

everything was very recent but somehow also seemed a long time ago if you considered how much he had changed and learned, it hadn't been easy, he had been very stressed at the time

especially when he was dating minghao, they were never actually official because the connection was never really there, so he didn't know if it counted as dating or not

of course, a story like what verkwan had would've been amazing, who wouldn't have liked that? it was the perfect fairytale

but even after what he went through, he still liked their version better, he would've gone through all of that again, wonwoo was worth it and he would make him understand that one day

maybe the future also seemed scary, but he knew that as long as he had his soulmate beside him, they would go through it together

he had learned a lot since his journey to discovering him started, and was also very excited for what was yet to come, because he just knew, it would be amazing

wonwoo was thinking the same thing as him, he was thinking of how insecure he used to be and how slowly he started liking himself a little more thanks to the other

it was beautiful to think of how good they were for each other and how they would be like that for the rest of their lives

they were both incredibly grateful that faith had brought them together, they knew no one else would've been better for a soulmate

"we'll be together for a long time, right?" the older asked as he opened his eyes with a smile and lifted his head up

mingyu lifted his head up too and grinned "i sure hope so, why are you asking that all of a sudden?" he asked

"i was just thinking of how everything we had to go through because of me was actually bound to happen in order to end up how we are right now" wonwoo replied and made eye contact

"i'm glad you finally get that it was all part of destiny's plan to bring us together" the taller said and grabbed his hand

"i'm happy too, i'm happy our story got a happy ending" the other said and caressed his soulmate's hand

mingyu furrowed his eyebrows "what are you talking about? ending? but our story hasn't ended yet" he said and chuckled joyfully as he came closer to him, he grabbed the older's hands tightly and looked at him straight into his eyes before opening his mouth to speak

"that was only the beginning"

in which you get a permanent mark on your skin where your soulmate touches you for the first time

- touch (meanie)


thank you for reading!!

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