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"oh, of course, it's just that your story brought up some memories and i got kind of lost in thought" he chuckled and tried to smile harder "it's great that it was always easy for you, i'm glad to hear that" he said and meant it, he was actually glad his soulmate didn't have to go through what he went through but also a little jealous

"i'm also glad, your story sounds very stressful and i'm sorry you had to go through that, but you never need to feel in such way again because you have me now" the other replied reassuringly

mingyu felt his heart beat faster as he made eye contact with wonwoo and then really smiled "thank you" he said

they stayed quiet for a seconds so the taller cleared his throat "wonwoo?" he asked

"yes?" the older replied

"i adore you" he said and seriously looked deep into his eyes while expecting a reaction from the other, which he got when wonwoo grabbed his hand and smiled

"me too" he whispered

after that, the whole date was talking and flirting, when they finished their beverages, mingyu faked that he needed to go to the restroom and paid the debt

"you just started a war kim mingyu" wonwoo joked as they both got inside the car, when they had buckled up, the older played some music but mingyu suddenly felt a little sad again at an unpleasant memory

he groaned and then looked outside the window while staring at the buildings they were passing, when wonwoo frowned

"is something wrong? you've been a little weird since we talked about how we discovered we're asexual" he said and then panicked "wait- is this because you weren't actually comfortable with telling me? mingyu i told you, you didn't have t-"

he was interrupted by the younger "it's not that" he said quietly "i- i think i should tell you something i wasn't planning on yelling you yet" he said

wonwoo raised an eyebrow "well, if you want to, but as i said i don't need or want you to tell me anything you don't feel comfortable with telling me" he said

"there's literally no way i'll ever feel comfortable telling anyone this" mingyu said sadly "so i might as well tell you because you're my boyfriend and should know this"

the older nodded and parked in a nearby parking lot that was nearly empty so he could pay complete attention to what his boyfriend was about to say

"it's the story of my first kiss" mingyu avoided eye contact "it was- i- it was horrible, the only people that know this are my seungkwan, hansol and seungcheol, not even do my parents know" he said

wonwoo grabbed his hand again and nodded seriously "you can tell me" he said

"i liked this girl, she was seriously pretty and funny, out of all the people in my school, she was the nicest, or at least i thought she was, i was really awkward around her because i had never had a crush that i thought would like me back" he explained "well, one time, we were alone in a classroom when school ended because she told me to follow her there, i was really nervous and for some reason i confessed i liked her, which was a big mistake" he said "of course i didn't expect anything to happen but to my surprise, she asked me why didn't i kiss her then, at first i was confused but decided to kiss her out of pressure and partly because i also liked the idea" he said and paused for a little to catch his breath

"after a few seconds, she tried to escalate the kiss but i didn't know how to keep up so it probably sucked, the thing is that, after that awkward moment she- she-" mingyu looked down and felt his pulse go crazy "she sexually abused me, and- um- i really can't give you much details but she was touching me and i- i was just paralyzed with fear, i didn't know what to do or- or how to act i just-" he stopped talking and felt his eyes water

"it's okay" wonwoo said with a deep voice and held his hand tightly

"she did some stuff to me- more than i should've let her, when i could finally react i pushed her away and she told me she was only nice to me and pretended to like me to prove that i was a freak" his voice trembled as he felt a tears escape his eyes "then, she told other people, and the next day, everyone knew and were making fun of me for being weird and sexless as they called me, they humiliated me for months until everyone forgot about my existence, that's when my panic attacks started and why they affect me so much" he explained and wiped his tears

after a few seconds of complete silence, mingyu looked at wonwoo because the older hadn't said a single thing since he finished talking, but what he saw surprised him


thank you for reading!!

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