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two weeks had passed, two boring weeks in mingyu's life, and he was sure he didn't feel anything for minghao

the younger was great, he seemed funny and polite, but it just wasn't there, not what he had expected to feel

plus, mingyu was starting to get suspicious, apparently minghao still didn't want to tell him how he gave him his mark and where it was

at first, he totally bought it, but then, he realized minghao always got extra nervous whenever he asked him about it, which was even more suspicious

they were talking in the hallway and mingyu sighed, they could now at least hold a decent conversation but it felt extremely platonic

"minghao" he said

"yes?" the younger replied

"do you like me?" he asked tiredly and analyzed the other's expression "it's okay if you don't but i really think i have the right to know" he said

minghao took a deep breath "of course mingyu, i like you, you're nice and funny" he giggled nervously

"no, but i mean, do you like me? in a romantic way" he clarified

"uh, yeah, i- i like you" the younger replied but none of the two believed it, not even a bit

mingyu chuckled tiredly and then saw junhui walking past them quickly, he didn't have any idea of what got into him because he hadn't talked to the older since he told him about minghao

"hey junhui" he said

junhui turned to see them nervously, he pointed to himself as if asking if he was talking to him and the taller giggled "yeah, you" he said

"what are you doing?" minghao asked but didn't earn any response

the older walked over to them confusedly, he looked better, his hair looked decent again and his face didn't seem like he was dead inside anymore, although he still looked pretty depressed

if he was honest, he didn't know what he was trying to achieve, it was just like his heart was working instead of his mind

junhui wanted to leave, it was too painful, he took a step back but mingyu spoke again

"wait, don't leave, it'll be quick" he said "this might sound weird but, junhui, have you ever touched minghao?"

junhui looked at him with a confused look, almost as if he was crazy, but minghao made a horrified look, immediately fearing what was probably coming next

the oldest blinked a couple of times and then reacted "uhh yeah, i guess, i used to pat his shoulder every time when i flirted" he said

"but his shoulders are always covered with clothes" mingyu said seriously

"what are you suggesting?" junhui asked, he was beyond confused, was it a very sick joke?

"touch his hand" mingyu said expressionless

"what?" the other two asked at the exact same time but minghao had a panicked and worried expression

"just trust me" mingyu said

"no, wait- please don't- i'm not ready to-" the younger started

hesitating, junhui grabbed minghao's hand and they both froze while staring deeply into their eyes as if their souls had just left their body

the other let go of junhui's hand and stared at his own, in fact the three of them were staring at the younger's hand

mingyu had never seen a mark form on someone's skin before and it was beautiful

when the mark finally finished taking place, minghao snapped out of his trance and out of pure adrenaline

he booped junhui's nose

the older immediately took his hands to his nose and stared at him incredulously

in the same minute, mingyu had seen two marks take place in someone's skin

junhui squinted his eyes and tried to look at his mark, when it was already imprinted on both of their skins, minghao reacted first

"we- are we soulmates?" minghao asked and looked at him with his mouth slightly opened in surprise

"i'm so confused" junhui said and then hugged minghao tightly

all those tears, sobs, sleepless nights, all the pain he had gone through, everything negative went away with that hug

mingyu realized the moment seemed pretty personal "okay i'll leave you guys alone" he said still not believing the situation "minghao, it seems like you have some explaining to do to junhui and then to me"

the other two didn't even turn to look at him so he chuckled and walked away with a smile, the moment was very cute

but, at the same time, what the hell?

he had just seen who he had thought for weeks was his soulmate get his soulmate mark in front of his real soulmate

he was clueless of what had just happened but he knew he was relieved, a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders, minghao wasn't his soulmate

he had a new chance


thank you for reading!!

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