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this takes place two months before the story started

ever since seungcheol met jeonghan, the sexual tension between both of them was clear, but they always ignored it whenever the older was at the boo's house

until that day, seungkwan, hansol and mingyu went out to the store to buy food and snacks to spend the afternoon but he decided to stay because he was sleepy, the other three agreed and left him there, the problem was that he had a slight headache that didn't let him sleep, which made him go to the kitchen in search for something to eat

he thought the kitchen would be alone since the housekeeper was sick and the cleaners were upstairs, seungkwan's parents weren't home, and chan was at school

but he forgot about the cook, when he entered the kitchen, he gulped and looked away when he saw jeonghan

an awkward silence filled the huge place so he tried to mind his own business, he did well until the younger spoke "hey, the other three went out" he said

"oh, i know, i just stayed here because i was sleepy but i couldn't sleep because my head hurts, so i came here in search for some food" the older chuckled

"well, i can give you something for that, you know? i'm not sure if you know but there's a room filled with meds and first aid kits, it's basically a nursery" jeonghan said with a smile

"i did know about that room but didn't really want to barge in without letting anyone know first" seungcheol said

"then i guess it's a good thing you ran into me then" the younger said with a smirk "follow me"

like a puppy, the other followed him towards the room and when they were finally there, jeonghan closed the door behind them

"this place is real big so it might be hard to find something for your head but i'll try" he said as he walked over to check some drawers

but seungcheol couldn't take the tension anymore "jeonghan?" he asked as he approached him

the other hummed and turned around to face him but was met by seungcheol's lips on his "oh thank god" he said in between the kiss

as the kiss became more heated, jeonghan took his hand to the back of the other's thigh and tapped it as if he was telling him to jump

seungcheol understood and hopped to let the younger catch him by grabbing him tightly by his thighs

"wait- do you have any condoms?" jeonghan said as he broke the kiss while panting

"ummm, aren't there any here? there must be" seungcheol said as he looked around

- (this book is too soft for smut) -

jeonghan and seungcheol stood up from the floor after cleaning themselves up and made eye contact before turning around awkwardly

the younger cleared his throat "well, i need to go- uh- cook, i need to cook something because- yeah" he said and opened the door to leave

seungcheol stood up painfully "that was rougher than i expected" he whispered to himself and then when he followed jeonghan out the door they met chan with his arms crossed and raising an eyebrow

the older of the three gasped "chan? w- weren't you in school?" he asked

"well, i called in sick because i have a cold and mom told me to find the housekeeper to ask him for medicine, i couldn't find him so i came here by myself but discovered the door was locked, then, i heard some moaning coming from inside, i was going to leave because it was none of my business but then i recognized seungcheol's voice and decided to stay here waiting for you guys to finish only because it surprised me that jeonghan is a top and i want to know if you guys are dating or something" chan said

seungcheol and jeonghan turned to look at each other with awkward expressions "oh you guys don't know if you're dating or not?" the younger asked

"wait- um, we're not dating" jeonghan said nervously "i mean, i don't really want to date" he said with an uneasy look while looking at the older

"that's- oh, that's a relief" seungcheol sighed "i don't want to date either" he said and scratched the back of his head

"good, you guys don't make a good couple" chan was also relieved "so, do you guys do it in the medical room often, or?" he asked

"that was actually the first time" jeonghan said "but don't worry it was a one time thing" he continued nervously

"okay okay, don't get all nervous with me, i was just curious" chan chuckled "can i get something for my cold now?"

- (a week later) -

they both panted hard as they finished cleaning themselves and the mess they made up when seungcheol said "okay, if we're going to keep doing this then we've got to establish some rules"

"i agree" jeonghan replied "what if we start with the first and most important one? no feelings involved, and if some of us does catch feeling we have to tell each other immediately so no one gets hurt" he suggested

"okay, first rule established, but before we move on to the second one, is this a secret?" the other asked

"i don't have a problem with other people knowing but don't have a problem with keeping it a secret either" jeonghan said

"okay, then i'll just tell my friends and that's it, i really don't like to hide things from them" seungcheol explained

"any other rule?" the other asked

they were quiet for a few seconds until the older spoke "i think that's pretty much it, or do you have another one?" he asked

"nope, fine by me" jeonghan replied "just one question though" he said a little hesitantly "it's okay if you don't want to answer it and it might sound like it's coming out of nowhere but- do you have a crush on mingyu?" he asked

seungcheol looked down sadly and clicked his tongue "yeah, is it too obvious? i thought i hid it very well" he admitted

"no, actually you're amazing at hiding it, not even seungkwan has figured it out, i could just tell by the way you treat him sometimes, you must really like him, don't you?" he asked sweetly

the older sighed but nodded with a sad smile "i really do, i adore him, but we're not soulmates so, it's pointless" he explained

"i see" jeonghan said with a slight pout and stood up to leave but then stopped walking before smirking "are you up for a second round?" he asked

seungcheol groaned and looked away "i'm a little tired" he whined and then smirked before speaking again



thank you for reading!!

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