Chapter 1

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The beginning

"Don't talk back to me! Get to your room"
Screamed Amanda, "whatever.." i mumbled hoping she wouldn't hear me. Amanda works at the orphanage, but she says she doesn't get paid enough so i think thats why she is so mean to us.

Hi I'm Hayley i am 16,
I was dropped off at Abbots home for kids when i was 9, thats the name of the orphanage. Authorities took me away from my mum and dad 7 years ago. I know they will come get me one day.. but until then, i am stuck here.

I opened the door to my room which i shared with 2 other girls Rebecca and Casey.
"What'd you do?!"  Casey asked flicking her gorgeous golden locks of hair to one side. I always envied her hair, I ran my hair through my straight dark brown hair in frustration and cried "I didn't do anything! She is so mean." 
"Well it sounds like you did something to piss her off" Rebecca sneered from her corner of the room. Rebecca is the typical sporty type, hair up in a messy bun with freckles under eyes and a nice tan. "All i did was turn the tv up in the lounge room and she asked me to turn it down and i said okay!"  I exclaimed
We all shared miserable looks till i broke the silence "don't worry girls. It wont always be like this, it will get better. One day someone will come in and adopt you" I tried to put on a fake smile, but I think they saw through it, I walked over and started getting my stuff ready for a shower "no one wants to adopt teenagers."  Casey said.
I didn't reply. I just left the room with tears running down my face going to the bathroom.

On my way to the bathroom I
Pasted the dinning room its 5:30pm which is when the little kids eat their dinner, I peaked through the big glass door to see what was for dinner, spaghetti. Yesss. One of the little boys noticed me staring through the door and he smiled and waved at me, I ignored him and walked into the bathroom.

I washed my hair and my face and shaved my legs.
I looked in the mirror. You can still see the scars from the alcohol bottles my mum and dad would throw at me when they wanted me to do something.

Flash back
I put my hands over my face to protect it from the broken glass
"Hayley! Start cooking dinner!" My mum would scream at me. "But mummy i don't know how to cook"  i cried "you useless bitch. You cant even put some pasta in a pot of hot water? I gave you a bandaid yesterday when you fell over and you cant even cook me some dinner!" My mum screamed angrily throwing things at me "I'm sorry" i cried falling on my knees "Don't want to hear it child! Get out of my sight" she yelled waving her hands about. I ran to my room in tears and not even 5 minutes later my dad came in. "Shhh baby girl dont cry" my dad said kneeling down grabbing my wrists "no please daddy you hurt me" "shhhh he said putting his finger on he's lip as he started kissing my neck"

End of flashback

I didn't even realise I had been crying, I wiped away my tears and took the blade out of my razor. I started slicing my wrist over and over, slowly but surly, the pain in my head eased as I watched the blood drip down my arm. I wrapped my arm in a towel and put pressure on my arm till the bleeding stopped. I sat on the floor against the wall when there was a very gentle knock on the door and a piece of paper slipped under the door, I heard the sounds of footsteps going in the opposite direction.  A note? Who knew I was in here other then casey and Rebecca. I read the note eagerly. It said-
'Hi! I saw you walk past the dinning room earlier with a towel so i assumed you are having a bath, anyway i waved to you but you must have not seen me because you didn't wave back. I think you are really pretty' i could just bearly make out the hand writing and there was a smily face at the bottom with he's name 'Mike'

Aw. I feel kinda bad. But that was a sweet note. He must be 9 or 10. I got up cleaned up my mess and started walking back to my room. Why would he give me that note? The more i thought about it the weirder it kinda felt. I turned the light on in my room and got ready for dinner.

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