Chapter 34

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"Grandmére, I'm fine," I assured her. 

"Child, you fainted in the middle of a restaurant. You are not fine!" Grandmére said stubbornly.

"I can take care of myself," I assured her.

"No!" Grandmére said sharply. "You will stay in bed while I make all of your favorite foods."

The door opened, and Grandpére walked in. "Charlotta, leave the poor girl alone. I'm sure she just wants to spend the day with her love. She doesn't want to be pampered and annoyed by you, my love."

"Oh fine!" Grandmére huffed. She let Grandpére lead her out of my room. Luke filled their absence a few moments later. 

"Are you okay?" Luke asked. He sat down beside me on the bed.

"I'm absolutely fine," I assured. "I don't want to sit in bed all day though. I'll probably end up sick from doing absolutely nothing." I was right. I did get sick.

The next day, Luke and I left with mounds of food that Grandmére made and the sniffles. 

Those sniffles transformed into a full on cold within twenty-four hours of leaving my grandparents' house.

The next morning, when Luke came over to hang out with Ashton and give me my present I immediately hid from him.

"Sierra, are you awake?" He appeared at the top of my stairs. I brought the blanket up and hid under it. "Babe, what's wrong?"

"I'm sick," I said. My voice was all raspy and gross.

"You're sick," Luke said. I could practically hear him pouting. 

"I'm gross," I said. 

"No, you could never be gross," Luke said before he yanked my blanket away. I shrieked and hid my face with a pillow. "You're difficult."

"I'm not difficult," I argued. "I just don't want you to see me sick." 


"That 70's Show," I answered. 

"What about That 70's Show?" Luke asked. 

"The episode where Jackie gets sick," I explained. "Kelso sees Jackie when she's sick and is absolutely mortified by it."

Luke and sighed, and I'm sure he was rolling his eyes at me. "Sierra, if you think I'm as shallow and superficial as Kelso then you got another thing coming. Now please move that stupid pillow away from your beautiful face."

I was quiet for a moment. Then I finally gave in and lowered the pillow. I waited for Luke to go running and screaming out of the attic room. He didn't. I have no idea why. I was disgusting.

My nose was giving Rudolph's a run for his money. My face was pale, and my lips were chapped. My overall consensus was that I looked like I had just gotten hit by a bus.

"You look absolutely beautiful," Luke assured.

I brought the blanket up and hid as much as I could under it. "No, I don't. I look disgusting. Now will you please leave me alone?"

Luke rolled his eyes at me again. "No, I'm not. I'm going to play sexy doctor or something stupid like that and take care of you."

I shook my head. "Louis is coming later to take care of me."

"Since when is that a good idea?" Luke asked. He was absolutely right. Louis would expect me be able to look like a Victoria's Secret model even though I could never be that pretty.

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