Chapter 44

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"So you're grounded?" Calum asked.

I shrugged. "Yeah, but knowing my dad he'll let me do everything. He is one of those parents that hate grounding their children. I don't know I'll do in the mean time."

"Cliff*ck me," Michael suggested. I threw a napkin at him. "What? You said you didn't know what to do, and I suggested something."

"Michael, you can try, but you're not going to get anyone looking like that," I said. Luke and Calum's jaws dropped.

"BURN!" Calum yelled. He and Luke high-fived.

"My girlfriend just burned you!" Luke yelled. He and Calum high-fived again.

"You're cruel," Mikey said.

I shrugged. "Sorry." I took his sandwich and had a bite out of it. It was amazing. I had never had anything as good as it. It was both creamy and rough. It was amazing.

"Oh my God," I said. I covered my mouth. "That is amazing. What is in this sandwich? Whatever it is make me another one." I took another bite. Mikey was smirking at me. Calum and Luke looked like they were dealing with a grenade about to blow.

"What?" I asked as I wiped my mouth.

"You've just had Michael Clifford's famous cheddar and ham sandwich," Michael said.

"WHAT!" I shrieked. I had just had my first bite of animal suffering, and it tasted way too good. I had to take another bite of it.

"Why are you taking another bite?" Calum asked.

I felt tears start streaming down my face. "It's so good. I can't help myself."

Luke wiped away my tears and hugged me. "Shh, it's okay. It's only one sandwich. There's nothing wrong with that. The little bunnies will forgive you."

"You don't get it," I cried. "Now that I've tasted meat I won't be able to stop because it's so good. I'm eating animal suffering, Luke, animal suffering." I took another bite of the sandwich.

"Welcome to the world of normal people," Michael mumbled. I shot him a glare.

Luke kissed my teary cheek. "It's okay. No one is going to hold eating animal against you."

"I've never had an animal product in my life," I said. A guilty look washed over Luke's face. "What?"

"Remember that time I brought you breakfast in bed?" Luke asked. "I nodded. "Remember how you really liked the oatmeal?" I nodded again. "It kinda' had cow's milk in it."

"Excuse me?" I said. "You fed me cow's milk!"

Michael rested his hand on Luke's shoulder. "My friend, if you value your worthless life at all run right now. Your woman is about to blow up and kill you."

"Shut up, Clifford!" I screamed.

"Calum, would you like to go up to the safety of Ashton's room with me?" Michael asked.

"Gladly," Calum answered. They quickly left Luke and me alone.

"I'm sorry," Luke said. "I didn't think you'd freak out like this."

I gaped at Luke. "I'm not 'freaking out'. I'm reacting to being told my boyfriend fed me animal products."

"There's nothing-"

"There's nothing wrong with animal suffering," I  finished for him. "Yeah, right. How would you feel if someone fed you dog, and you had no idea? You'd feel pretty disgusted, right? Yeah. That's how I feel right now. I feel disgusted and.....and dirty....and I can't believe you!"

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