Chapter 51

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"Luke, you have touched the hearts of the world with your story," Jolene said. She was doing an insider interview with me about searching for Sierra. The story had recently even gotten more popular. People thought that it was 'romantic' that even after three years I hadn't stopped looking for her.

"Thanks," I said.

Jolene laughed. "You're welcome. I know my heart personally broke when I read about everything you did looking for her. What is more romantic than devoting your life to finding her and getting into a medical school so when you find her she'll have a life she'll be happy to live. Tell me, what made you do that?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. I think someone suggested it to me. I don't remember who. I just remember waking up after a drunken night knowing that I had to. Who knows what Sierra has been through these past years. She deserves to return home to a comfortable life with me. That is if she took me back."

Jolene sighed, in love with the idea that I had some doubt that Sierra loved me. "I'm sure she'll take you back. I'm surprised she hasn't appeared yet. If that was me I would've come back when I first heard you had made a huge campaign for finding me."

"But you're not Sierra...and you don't know what I did," I said. I looked at the ground shamefully.

Jolene scrunched her eyebrows together. "What did you do, Luke?"

I tearfully told Jolene and the whole world of what I had done. I shamelessly cried as I told it. It was the day that I lost the one girl that I would always love. It was the day that I broken my promise. It was the day that I single-handedly ruined my life. I had a right to cry.

"Luke, this is a lot to take in," Jolene said. "For three years, people believed Sierra ran away for no reason. Now you're telling us that it's your fault?" I nodded. "Wow. That's surprising. If Sierra is watching right now, what would you say to her?"

I took a deep breath and looked at the camera. "Sierra, I'm sorry. I love you so much. I'm sorry for what I did. I don't know why I did it. I don't know how I didn't realize what horrible people the guys were.

"Sierra, if you don't come back for me, come back for everyone else. Lily is fourteen now. She misses you. Ashton does too. He and Jade are still together. They both miss you. Your dad hasn't been the same since you left. No one has. Louis and me, especially.

"Louis and Harry got back together. Lou's a mess. Harry's trying so hard to make him feel better, but he doesn't have his rock. He told me so himself. He's a mess without you. So am I.

"Sierra, ever since you left I.....I haven't been able to sleep easy. Knowing that you're out there somewhere, possibly hurt scares me. Call me selfish, but what scares me more is that you might be happy. You have a man who could love you more than I could. A man who'd take care of you.

"If that's the case, I'll accept it. It's my fault anyway, "I said. Another wave of tears trickled down my cheeks. I could just see the man that Sierra deserved. He'd be wearing a polo shirt and khackis while he stood in front of his McMansion. "Even though thinking you'll no longer love me is horrible I'll accept it. I won't try to win you back as long as I can see you happy with him along with your 2.5 kids. I just want you to be happy. Just show me your happy, and I'll never even look at another picture of you. I don't care what happens as long as you are content."

Jolene wiped her eyes. "That was....beautiful, Luke. Sierra is a lucky girl to have the love of you. It takes a lot of courage to accept that the one person you've loved for a long time might've moved on. If Sierra doesn't come out of hiding after that I don't know what's wrong with her."

"Nothing is wrong with her."

"Luke, you've searched for her for three years," Jolene. "She still doesn't see how much you love her. She's got to be crazy. My husband tells me he loves me with a box of chocolates. Which one is more convincing?"

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