Chapter 2

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"I'll drive you two idiots home," Luke said. Louis and I looked at each other.

"Why? You hate my baby girl right here," Louis said. He put his arm around me. It made me slightly uncomfortable.

"So? I'm going home and need a car to get there. I'll drop it back off tomorrow," Luke said. Louis and I exchanged another glance.

"I guess we have no choice," I finally said. I dug Louis's keys out of my bag and handed them to Luke. Neither of us trusted Louis to keep track of his keys.

"I'm glad you finally decided. It took you long enough," Luke said. He took the keys and shoved them in his pocket.

We went outside and got Louis's car. I sat in the back to avoid confrontation with Luke. Louis sat in the front where he took over the music. He claimed my music was 'too depressing'.

The ride home was awkward. Luke and I ignored each other while Louis sang out-of-tune to Katy Perry.

Luke dropped Louis off at his house first. "Sierra Mist, I'll text ya' tomorrow. Kisses." He blew me a kiss as he got out of the car.

"Bye Louis," I said quietly. Luke drove off before Louis had much of a chance to close his door.

"Aren't you going to get in the front?" Luke asked after a few minutes of silence.


"That's stupid."

"I didn't ask for your opinion," I said. I brought my legs up to my chest. I remembered I had forgotten to give Louis his jacket back. I would have to do that in the morning.

Louis's annoyingly chirpy music was still playing. I looked at the stereo. I was tempted to change it, but that would involve drawing attention to myself. I didn't want any attention, especially with Luke around.

I looked up into the child view mirror and saw Luke was staring at me with a small smile. "You can change the music if you want. I hate this just as much."

I looked at Luke warily. Finally I unbuckled my seat belt and leaned forward. I changed the radio to The Shakespears' new song.

"Why am I not surprised?" Luke murmured. I shot him an icy look. The Shakespears were incredibly talented. I didn't care what he said.

After what felt like forever, but was only really ten minutes, we arrived at my house. Compared to my friends' houses mine was fairly large. We lived in comfort due to the fact my dad was a surgeon. That's the main reason Louis made so much fun of my wardrobe. He thought that someone with a father as well-payed as mine was shouldn't have my style.

"Ashton said you were well off, but this is wow," Luke said. He got out of the car to take a better look at my house.

"It's not that big," I said. I picked up my bag and got out of the car.

"Are you kidding me? It's huge. Three of my houses could fit in that," Luke said. I blushed. Luke was actually giving me a compliment. At least kind of.

"Do you want to come inside for some cof-" I started to say.

"No," Luke said bluntly. He climbed back in the car and sped off.

I went up and unlocked my door. It was a lot warmer inside than it was out. I hung Louis's jacket on a peg and went into the kitchen. I had eaten anything on a while. I had stormed out before we had gotten the chance to eat.

I looked into the fridge to see if there was anything to eat. I spotted some uneaten tofu at the back of the fridge. I took it out and heated in the microwave. I gobbled it down in under five minutes.

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