Chapter 33

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"We didn't really talk about anything," Matty lied. 

"Oh," I said. 

"Visiting hours are over!" the guard yelled. "Say goodbye to your loved ones and return to your cells!"

Matty smiled at me. "I'll see you when I get out in two months, right? It wouldn't be right without you there."

"I wouldn't miss it for the world," I promised. 

"Good. I'll miss you in the meantime. Be sure to send me a letter when you can," Matty said. I saw Luke roll his eyes out of the corner of mine.

"We'll have to pull Notebook. I'll write you a letter everyday," I joked. 

"Try every week, and I'll be happy," Matty said. 

Luke and I left the visiting room. I was sad to seem them herd Matty back into the cells. He didn't belong in there with the thugs and killers. He belonged in the outside world with everyone else. Not cooped up in jail for something he didn't mean and felt worse than horrible about.

On the way home from the detention center, I said to Luke," Do you like Matty?"

Luke shrugged. "I'd probably like him if he wasn't trying to get you naked."

"Excuse me."

"You heard me."

"Luke, Matty doesn't think of me that way. We've known each other since we were children. He doesn't have some secret crush on me."

Luke chuckled. "You're so blind. You can't even see what's right in front of you. He wants to screw you, and you're too stupid to realize it."

"Luke, I can't believe you," I declared. "I invite you to my grandparents house and here you are dissing one of my oldest friends."

"I think I'm allowed to diss a guy if he just wants to get in my girl's pants," Luke said. 

"I'm not your girl," I argued. "I'm not your property."

"I'm not saying you're my property!"

"Whatever." I took my phone out of my pocket and looked at a text from Perrie.

"F*CK!" Luke yelled. It made me jump, but I didn't reply to Luke's outburst. He didn't deserve the satisfaction.

When Luke and I got home, I immediately locked myself in our room. Luke tried the doorknob. When it didn't open he walked away. 

I only left the room to go to the bathroom and go running. I skipped dinner even though Grandmére tried to convince me to eat. The only company I wanted for the evening was Minou.

Around five o'clock, Luke left the house. I don't know where he went. I didn't care either.I was still mad at him for accusing Matty.

After my grandparents went to bed I unlocked the door. I stayed up and waited for Luke to come home. I was starting to get worried about him.

Luke finally arrived at midnight. I was happy he had gotten home safe. I turned the bedroom light off and pretended to be asleep. I didn't want him to know that I had stayed up and waited for him.

The hallway outside of our room lit up. It turned off another few moments later. Luke opened the door and came in. He started to undress.

I heard the floor creak and felt Luke's lips on my forehead. "I'm sorry, Sierra,"he whispered. "I'm sorry, but what I said was true. Matty admitted to have feelings for you. I guess I'm just jealous."

I didn't make any move to make him think I was awake. I had to digest this news. Luke still thought I was asleep. That much was obvious. He'd never admit what he did if he thought I was listening. He also admitted that one of my oldest friends had feelings for me, and that I never knew. I really needed to call Louis. I needed some advice.

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