Chapter 40

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"I'D LOVE TO!" Luke yelled back. 

When I heard Luke's voice I tore out of my room and ran downstairs as fast as I could. When I saw Luke I screamed his name and jumped into his arms.

"Sierra, you're supposed to be grounded," Ashton hissed. I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Miss me?" Luke asked with a smirk.

"No," I said. "I just haven't seen anyone in forever, and I'm all lonely. Ashton is horrible company."

Luke nodded in agreement. "He does suck pretty badly. I'm here now though."

I kissed Luke. "I'm glad for it."

"You're so sweet," Luke said. 

"Like candy," I said. 

"Like so much sugar it wants to make me puke," Ashton said. 

"Shut up. You're just jealous," I said. 

"I'm not jealous," Ashton assured. Luke and I looked at each other. We didn't believe it.

"He has a major crush on Jade," I said. 

"Oh, I know," Luke said. "Sometimes he won't shut up about her. Same with Michael."

"Who should we set her up with?" I asked. "I'm thinking Ashton because then we can be step sisters-in-law."

"I'm going to agree to that," Luke said. "I've always wanted Jade as a step-sister-in-law." Did Luke just say what I think he said? He did!

"You just said what I think you said," I said. 

Luke put his arms around me. "I did because I love seeing your expression when you get all happy and giggly."

"Um," Ashton said,"excuse me, but I'm here, and I don't have a crush on Jade. She's just cool and stuff."

Luke and I locked eyes again. "He has a major crush on her," I noted. 

"Totally," Luke agreed.

My dad walked into the room. He looked between and Luke and me and Ashton. "Luke, who are you hanging out with?"


"Okay, then please get your hands off my daughter and hang out with him," my dad said. 

"Sorry, sir," Luke said as he took his hands off me. My father glared at him for a moment before leaving.

"Louis, come run with me," I said. I tried to pull his lazy butt of the couch. He had been depressed since that night.

"I don't feel like it," Louis said. 

I sat down on the couch beside him. "Why not?"

Louis sighed. "Harry. He's just driving me absolutely crazy. I want him so much, but I hate his guts. I see you and Luke, and you two are absolutely perfect for each other. You'd do anything for each other, and it hurts because Harry cheated on me. I feel like no one will ever love me."

"Oh, Lou," I said. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his cheek. "Lou, you will never know how much I love you. You have always been there for me, and I love you for it. I know there's no such thing as a perfect relationship. If there is, Luke and I surely don't have one. There are things about him that drive me absolutely crazy."

The door opened, and Lou and I looked to see who it was. It was Luke.....It was Luke with a lip ring. "Hey, guys! Look what I got." Luke came over and showed off his brand new piercing. 

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