Chapter 16

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Luke's P.O.V. 

I walked into Sierra's old room. It looked so weird with only the posters.

I looked around and spotted a red spiral on the carpet. I knelt down and picked it up. I flipped to the first page. I was curious about what it was for. It was probably her Algebra notes or something.

Sierra's Never To Be Completed Bucket List

That was weird. I had never heard of an 'never to be completed bucket list'. A bucket list, yeah, but not one that would never t be completed.  I flipped to the next page and read.  

"1. Climb Mt. Everest
2. Own a penguin
3. Go to Russia
4. Sing to an audience" 

So far it was a normal boring bucket list. I flipped a few pages forward.

"38. Witness a solar eclipse
39. Write a classic book
40. Throw a huge party
41. Get a complete makeover"

A little more interesting, but it was still boring. I flipped another several pages.

"86. Learn guitar
87. Get in a fist fight
88. Have a friends with benefit relationship
89. Go skinny dipping"

That was definitely a lot more interesting. Sierra Neal, daddy's shy and innocent, little girl wanted to get in a fight, have a friends with benefits, and go skinny dipping. I laughed. That wasn't possible. This was Sierra. She blushes at the word 'and'.

"Luke!" I turned to see Sierra standing in the doorway. She looked between me and the notebook.

I gave a small laugh of disbelief. "I never would've thought you wanted that kind of stuff," I said. Sierra stormed over to me and tried to snatch the book back. I held it up so she couldn't reach it.

"Give me back my book! Give it now!" Sierra demanded. She looked pissed, but this was too good to give back.

"Are you embarrassed that I'll see what you want?" I asked. Sierra nodded with a small "Yes." 

I shrugged my shoulders. "I've already seen it. I gotta' say I was surprised when I saw you want to have a  friend with benefits."

Sierra's cheeks flamed with embarrassment. "I was in sixth grade when I wrote that. I had just listened to the new Shakespears album." I remembered that one. Like all their albums it was really good. Elaine had written a large amount of it, so it was I guess that's right term.

"You wrote that in sixth grade?" Sierra wasn't even inappropriate at our age. We're supposed to be very disgusting. I couldn't imagine her in sixth. She probably wore tights with a skirts and didn't even own one shirt with graphics on it. It was all sweaters and corduroys for her.

"Please give it back. I wasn't even going to do any of that stuff anyway," Sierra begged. She looked like she was about to burst into tears. 

I sighed. I kind of felt bad for being mean to her about this, but it was just so great. I couldn't help myself.

"Please give it back. I'll do anything. Please please, I'm begging you," Sierra said. She was sticking out her lip, and she was giving me puppy eyes.

"Anything?" I asked. I looked Sierra up and down. She was hot. I know she didn't think it, but she was. I had a feeling she had abs underneath her shirt from all the running. Her body was in perfect condition, and she was an absolute 10. A 6, like me, would never get someone like her without money. Or careful bargaining.

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