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'An omega child, the Namwirote family baggage.'

'An inferior type, if only he's born an alpha, he could be the successor.'

'The shame of the Namwirote family.'

'If only he weren't born.'

Earth woke up with a start. He's gasping for air and wipe away the sweat that formed on his forehead. Another nightmare, all those people whispered behind his back a long time ago, thinking he didn't hear about it when he heard it all. The pity looks thrown at him for being an omega from a prestigious family, but the hateful looks thrown at him were the scariest for him.

Because of the nightmare, he woke up at 4 AM and he couldn't go back to sleep. So he decided to prepare himself and start work early rather than doing nothing.

After wearing his uniform, lastly, he put on his prevent-scent collar to his neck. It could make his scent bearable to the alpha. Even if he has to suffer from the alpha's scent because the collar only prevents his scent from getting out, it's okay, as long as the young master is not the one suffering.

He stopped his track in front of the young master bedroom, took a deep breath, knocked on the door, and opened it after not hearing any reply from the alpha. He stepped inside and went to open the curtains to let the light come through the big glass windows.

There's a rustling sound coming from the bed, Kao sat up looking at his location through the light behind the omega.

"Good morning, young master," he greeted.

Kao seems flinched a bit hearing the omega's voice, It looks like he didn't realize it was Earth because of all those lights behind the omega.

"What are you doing here?" the alpha's hoarse voice asked him.

Earth looks confused, "I'm your butler starting yesterday, sir," he answered. He could picture the glare the alpha sent his way.

"I will tell the head butler to replace you, better yet fire you from working here," said the alpha.

Earth stood stunned, does the alpha hate him so much as to chase him away?

When Earth opened his mouth to say something, Kao beat him to it, "Don't just stand there and get out of here. I don't need an omega like you being my butler, and never utter such nonsensical words such as fated pair. I hate it."


a/n : Again, it's a surprise update, 3 chapters in a day, albeit short but consider this my apologetic way because of it. Please leave me your vote and comment, I'd gladly take any opinion from you. 

Thank you!

Written on 19th of June,


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