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The next morning, Earth was helping Kao to choose the right tie that matches his suit for today's event. He was smiling albeit forced while he tied the necktie on Kao, "Good thing it's sunny today, young master," he said.

Kao was absent-minded throughout this morning so he was startled when Earth started the conversation, "Hm?"

"This is a day of celebration, young master! Your engagement will be announced! Hu, your tie's come loose again," Earth said while he fixed Kao's tie for the second time.

"That hurts," Kao complained because Earth tightens it too tight.

With his face still facing the tie seriously and Kao looking at the scenery behind the omega. Earth then said, "That won't do. All your loved ones and guests have gathered here today."

Kao frowned, he finally looked down on the omega's face.

Earth continued, "As the successor, you s-should..." he stopped midway.

'I'm an idiot,' Earth's inner voice said.

Tears started falling down from his eyes, he also couldn't keep his fake smile anymore. He turned his face sideways.

Kao could see the tears before the omega looked away, "When today is over, I heard that you and that alpha are leaving?"

With his face clear from his tears, he faced Kao confusedly, "Huh?"

"Are you okay with that?" Kao asked. "You don't even think of today as a 'day of celebration'." Kao continued and he advanced forward.

Earth was taken aback but his feet couldn't step backward because he was frozen on the spot. A lone tear fell down on his cheek and Kao's right hand reached forward to wipe them away with his thumb.

His hand still placed on Earth's warm cheek, Kao chuckles. With a bitter expression, he asked, "Destiny, you say?"

Earth's heart beats faster seeing Kao's face change from bitter to adoration while eyes still on him. Earth's cheeks are red with a bashful expression.

Kao suddenly tugged Earth's hand forward, "Come, Earth," he smiled big in happiness.

At first, Earth was still surprised by the sudden change in Kao, but then he tried to resist his hand being pulled, "Please wait, young master! Wa...Kao!" he shouted. He never called the alpha's name informally before so it was a first for him to use it.

Kao's step stopped when Mew stood in front of them, preventing them from going.

"Don't you think you have the wrong person, young master?" Mew asked in a polite tone seeing Kao's hand clasping Earths'.

Kao smirked, "Sorry...Mew, was it? I don't think I'll be handing Earth over to anyone!" he said proudly.

Earth who at first was struggling to let Kao's hand go from his hand then turned frozen in place hearing that.

Kao then continued moving forward with his hand still pulling Earths' hand. They bypassed the alpha butler who stood there in silence. They entered the big double doors that lead to a big hall with many people inside mingling between each other, most with a wine glass in their hands.

As if on cue, the head butler started speaking on the podium with a microphone to imbued his voice, "I apologize for the long wait. We will be announcing the engagement of the Dechaphatthanakun family's next-in-line, Kao Noppakao."

People started clapping their hands when Kao stepped up to the podium with Earth hot in his heels behind him. They stood side by side and faced the crowd. Earth's face was red as a tomato from embarrassment by being stared on.

"Thank you all for gathering here today. I take this opportunity to make an important announcement." Kao started, he took a deep breath.

The crowd went silent to focus on what Kao want to say.

"I'm a weak human being, there was an incident that made me keen on not taking an omega as my partner. The one who made me realize that something small could bring me happiness, and helped me move forward from my fear to trust an omega again...is the one standing right beside me, Earth Katsamonnat Namwirote."

Earth looked at Kao's serene expression.

"Not only because he's that amazing as a person, but also because he's my fated pair. Earth, you're my mate," Kao then take out the ring he put on his pocket and put it on Earth's ring finger. A white band with a yellow craving, written on it was 'Fated to be Yours'. A custom made ring that he ordered by the head butler yesterday and just received it this early morning.

With a beaming smile, Kao said, "Let's get married!"

Earth was taken by surprise and his cheeks all red right to his ears, "Th-that was too pushy."

Kao pulled away from the microphone from his mouth, "I don't care. For my own happiness, I don't care what methods I use. So break up with Mew and start to look at me more," Kao said confidently. More like a demand than just mere words though.

Earth was confused, he turned around to spot Mew in the crowd. The alpha was turned away in smugness. Earth then slowly brings his ring finger close to his face and smiles with tears falling from his eyes, "I always have my eyes on you in the first place," he murmurs. Then he said with confidence in his voice.

"I'll be in your care..."


a/n: This was what I meant about celebrating Earth's photo on #LBC2PhotoShoot being posted on twitter! NOW, NINEHEART....ARE YOU HAPPY? HAHAHAHA

Thank you!

Updated on 23rd of June,


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