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Kao's attendant placed the three-tiered plate stand full of assorted cake and pastries on the table. He bowed once in politeness and then left the room.

"It's been so long since last I saw you, Fluke," Kao greeted his guest.

Fluke glared at the alpha in front of him and crossed his arms, "Why haven't you replied to ALL my letters?" He emphasized the word a bit.

One of his eyebrows raised, "I think I don't have the obligation to even read every letter you sent me, right?" Kao cynically said, he calmly took a cup of tea and sipped it.

Fluke gaped at the alpha's act, he continued to glare, "And tell me why was there another fiance, when I should be the one? We promised to be married!"

Kao snickered, "You mean, the one where you decided it on yourself? I never agree to it though," he rested his back on the sofa casually.

"NO! We definitely promised the day before I left for England to study!"

Kao pinched the bridge of his nose, he gave Fluke a tired look, "If my memory serves me right, you were only 15 years old when you said that. Then your mother literally sent you abroad so you could focus on your studies and not going after me anymore. Then, how was that study went?"

Fluke turned his head sideways and avoided Kao's watchful eyes, "W-well, it was f-fine," he stammered.

Kao's pierced look burns right at Fluke's avoiding eyes, "How...disappointing," he said.

Fluke gulped, his eyes still avoiding Kao's, "F-fine! I barely passed the marks and g-graduated, you meanie!" he pouted and crossed his arms.

Kao sighed.

"But that doesn't mean I would let it slide that you mated with someone other than me!" Fluke frowned in annoyance at Kao.

"Listen," Kao started seriously, "I don't give a shit about a childish boy like you who acts spoiled as you like and throws a tantrum when you didn't get what you wanted."

Kao stood up and went to the door. Fluke hurriedly goes after him and pulls Kao's sleeves, "W-wait! Don't you just leav-"

"Oh, who is this?" they met Earth from around the corner. Kao stopped in his track seeing his mate in front of him.

Kao forced Fluke to let go of his sleeves, then he goes behind his omega right away, and his hand automatically went to Earth's waist.

Earth looked up to his fiance with a questioning look written on his face.

"He is father's friend's son," Kao said nonchalantly.

Earth giggled, "Well, isn't that just complicated?"

Earth then turn to faced the guest, he gave a polite smile, and bows his head a little in greetings, "Let me introduce myself, my name is Earth, nice to meet you, dear guest," he said in a kind-of butler mode.

Kao's free hand goes to flick Earth's forehead in playful, "Don't be that polite to strangers and why were you on butler mode, huh?"

Earth was nursing his forehead after Kao flicked it and gave a tongue out to his fiance, "I was only being polite, you dummy alpha!"

Kao then turned to look at the silent Fluke, "Earth is my mate and also my fiance."

Fluke gave a death-glare to Earth, he pointed his fingers at the omega, "You! How dare you steal my fiance!"

Earth frowned at the accusation, he looked at his alpha who narrowed his eyes at the guest, "Since when did you have another fiance? Then, why did your father ask you to look for one before?" he innocently asked his alpha.

Kao sighed and he averted his eyes to look at his mate's curious gaze, "He's just delusional, baby, no need to fret. Moreover, he's just a spoiled kid," he explained.

"I'm not delusional and I'm definitely not a kid!" Fluke angrily shouted.

Kao smirked in Fluke's direction, "Oh-ho, so you didn't deny that you're spoiled, aren't you?" he mockingly said.

"T-that's, no!" Fluke was flustered.

Earth hit Kao's stomach and glared at his alpha, "Stop teasing him," he then looked at Fluke with an apologetic look, "Please forgive my alpha just now, he likes to tease people," he unconsciously emphasized the words 'my alpha'.

Fluke scowled at Earth, but then he smirked, "I had a certain piece of information that you, his omega, is not pregnant even after you went into heat twice already, right? Aren't you just barren-"

"Stop," Kao said, he started seething with anger.

"-and incapable of providing a child? Broken goods, aren't you?"

"Stop it, you damn omega!" Kao let out his anger to Fluke who's eyes wide in shock after Kao just used his alpha tone on him. He's frozen on the spot.

Earth was silent through it all. Because Kao directed his tone to Fluke, luckily it didn't affect him. Earth's face fell hearing throughout all the things Fluke pointed out to him, but Kao didn't realize his mate's discomfort. 

Earth looked down in shame, 'What he said were all true...am I really just broken goods after all?'

"What is this noise that even reached the main hall?" Kao's mother showed up and then she sighed when she saw who seemed to be the source of it.

"Head butler," she called, head slightly turned to her side, and the head butler stepped up from behind her, "Why did you allow him to enter our house?" she looked at Fluke with so much disdain in her eyes.

Fluke was shaking, two alpha just directed their hate and anger at him, he looked down while his hands to his body won't stop shaking. The aftereffect of the alpha order. He tried to speak, "I..."

Kao's mother cut his words and crossed her arms while her eyes pierced to Fluke's trembling figure, "Stop your nonsense, I could hear what you said the moment you belittle my soon-to-be son-in-law."

She took a deep breath to somehow calm her down and said in a threatening demeanor to the cowering omega.

"How dare you show up after what your family had done to my son?!"


a/n: I was turning my brain to find this plot. I tell ya, the drama ya want is here! Well, I'd like to arrange a schedule update, rather than giving you a surprise update every time I feel like it. Because it seems like I couldn't give you the daily update any more...I also need to focus on my thesis *put a crying face here* I want to graduate! Hu-hu. 


ANYWAY, could you suggest to me the perfect schedule we could agree on? I want to put voting on my twitter, but it seems like my followers weren't that talkative there or just too shy to mention me *scratch the back of my head*. I will wait for your answer here or right to my twitter, it's up to you.

Thank you!

Updated on 28th of June,


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