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Tonight, Kao was having nightmares about an event that happened a long time ago. The event that resulted in him hating to think of having an omega as his mate.

He was 18 years old when he first smelt omega pheromones. He doesn't know who she is, where she came from, or which family the girl belongs to. One thing for sure was the girl, 17 years old, went straight to him when she just entered the empty Royal Library.

"I'm your mate."

Kao was bewildered when the girl said that when she sat on an empty chair next to him. He looked around the library to find it odd that it was empty besides them.

When he was about to stand up and left the girl, his nose smelt something amazing. Something he never smelt all his life, something sweet and intoxicating, but deep down in his mind he could also smell a disgusting scent behind all that.

The girl suddenly hugged him from behind.

"Alpha, where are you going? I'm here, your mate is here," she said.

Kao stunned, he turned around fast enough to knock the girl out of her embrace, he growled when the amulet around his neck glowed brightly in the dim library.

He growled at the girl that fell to the ground and looked at him in half eyelids open.

"Don't you dare touch your filthy hands on me, omega!"

The girl flinched back when she heard the alpha tone Kao used on her. She took something from her dress pocket and urgently shot herself with an unknown substance.

Suddenly the smell of omega in a heat filled the empty big room. Kao fell to his knees when for the first time he smelled it. He tried so hard to keep his conscious mind when the heat forced him to be a mindless alpha who thinks nothing but pleasure, to think nothing but mating the omega below him.

Before he could advance on the girl, the library's door barged open and came in his beta attendant that pulled him away from the gasping omega in heat on the floor.

Later on, he heard about that girl who was sent by a low-rank elite family to seduce him, to tie him down in a mate-bond relationship.

From that day onward, Kao never really believed in the word 'mate' or even glanced at an omega. He'd prefer to be mated to an alpha as all his families do than with an omega.

Not all elite families still do their family's tradition as bonding an alpha with another alpha, because many other families believe that marrying an alpha one another is the same as an in-breed within the family. Truth is, the alpha with alpha family still can have a child, but only one and not anymore, that was why Kao never had any siblings.

An alpha with an omega, mate/bond through biting the gland behind the omega's neck, so with having no physical connection like them made an alpha-based family as the Dechaphatthanakun chose to call it as bonding too, as to cover the flaws of not having a physical connection as alpha and omega does.

Then he met Earth later on. The moment he stepped foot to his bedroom and smelled a more sweet, fresh, and intoxicating scent of the omega, he knew Earth was his fated pair. Memories about his past came back full force on him.

That night he was clutching the amulet that still accompanied him on his neck, hoping it would shine bright to make him aware that the butler didn't have good intentions, to remind him to be more cautious about the omega intentions.

'I won't be fooled the second time.'


a/n: This was a bit hard to think of, but I could see the possibilities in a psychological way. I hope you like this part of the explanation of why Kao hates Earth that much. Thank you for reminding me that I hadn't really explained how the omegaverse works on this story!

Thank you!

Written on 22nd of June,


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