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Earth was tossing and turning in his sleep. Nightmares have been haunting him for the past few days after the sudden visit of the other omega. His forehead was full of sweats and he scrunched up his face as if in pain.

He sat up with a start and heavily panting. His right hand wiped away the sweats formed on his forehead, then he started to ease his breathing slowly. He darted his eyes to his alpha's side of the bed and found it empty.

Kao had gone abroad for a business trip like usual, leaving him along with his nightmare like tonight. He has been longing for the soothing words the alpha always gave him before they fell asleep. The loving words and gestures he received from his alpha did help him fall asleep easily. Overall he misses his alpha.

He's been dreaming the same thing lately, haunting him over and over. He dreamt of all the days he spent being his family's target of disappointment. They are so vocal about badmouthing him. For them, he was just a failure as a human, just because he was born as an omega in a house full of pride alphas. His existence only brings them bad luck, they said. That was why he was as good as sold to this household as a butler.

Earth sighed and let his feet drag him to the kitchen, he felt exhausted even though he just woke up, thanks to the constant nightmare. He stopped and looked out the window to see a dim-lit garden that filled with morning dew. It seems he woke up too early again.

He continued his journey to the kitchen, but found a few butlers in the staff room, it seems like his feet wrongly led him to the butler's quarters again. He was just about to turn around when he heard his name come up in their conversation.

"Isn't it weird if young master Earth hasn't gotten pregnant yet?"

"I was also wondering the same thing!"

"I doubt they're a fated pair, to begin with. Maybe that omega did some hocus pocus to lure our young master."

"Shush! Words are strong when spoken! Hahaha!"

"You remember Siriphongton's 4th son who came here last time? I bet he's more compatible with our young master."

"The one who the mistress ordered to never be allowed inside?"

"Don't you think he's a more dignified omega than that omega who was abandoned by his parents like that Namwirote's 2nd son?"

With heavy steps, Earth forced his feet to leave the conversation that really broke his heart.

'Maybe they are right...'


Earth was closing both his eyes and looked up to the sky. The weather today was perfect to be spending outside, with a picnic, and together with loved ones. He sighed, sadly he couldn't enjoy this breeze that brushed past him with his loved ones, Kao hasn't come back from his business trip, and it's been 12 days since he last saw his alpha.

He recalled tiny bits of Kao's words of reassurance the night after Fluke confronted him that day.

"You shouldn't listen to what he said, he wants you to exactly feel this way. You can't let him get what he wants, because I love you and you love me, that's enough for us."

Earth turned down his face still with eyes closed. He has been trying to find out the meaning behind Kao's words. Kao's duty as the only son and heir of the Dechaphatthanakun family is many, and it's only natural for him to provide an heir so the name could continue...right?

Earth shook his head, parts of Kao's words were right. He shouldn't feel down like this, because that's what Fluke was aiming for from the start.

Then Earth's mind went back to what had been said by Kao's mother. From what he had heard from Kao not long after their bonding, the major thing that had happened to the alpha was the omega-forcing-on-him accident.

Fated to be Yours // KAOEARTH OMEGAVERSE AUWhere stories live. Discover now