22 [SMUT🔞]

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"Hey," Kao scolded Earth who jumped because of the sudden voice from the alpha. "Why are you so far away?"

Earth was inching back towards the wall. His back has touched the wall for quite some time as if afraid to be closer to the alpha, his alpha.

Earth glared with cheeks red in embarrassment, "Because I can't keep up with my thoughts. You know how painful it was for me?" he said in one breath.

Kao's face falls just realizing how much it must have hurt the omega to smell him but can't do anything about it, "I'm sorry," he said. "Then...let me make up for it," his hands were outstretched from the bed with both his legs opened in an invitation, "Come on," he encouraged the omega.

With his heart's like a drum being beaten and face as red as a tomato, Earth inched closer. Not long he was full running towards the bed, to his alpha's embrace.

Moments later, with Earth's lower body exposed and Kao's shirt fully undone, the omega was gasping for air at the pleasure he felt only from his alpha touching all the sensitive parts of his body.

"It's almost like...I'm doing...something...bad," Kao breathlessly said.

His left hand was holding up Earth's slender thigh, whereas his right hand was trying to position his coated-lubricant member rightly to Earth's slicker hole.

Slowly, Kao moved his body forward along with his member entering Earth's hole in one thrust. "Ah shit," moaned Kao when he could feel the tightness of Earth's virgin hole.

Earth was smiling through the pain he felt from Kao's penetration. His hands slowly unbutton his butler attire one by one and take it off of him, despite Kao's movement inside him. Free from the clothes hindering him from his alpha's skin to skin contact, his hands went for Kao's loose shirt to take it off.

"Ah, ha, more, I, I love, you...alpha...my, alpha,' Earth moaned each thrust Kao did towards him mercilessly. He arched his body backward when Kao hit his prostate many times over and over, "Y-yeah! There, alpha, more...!"

Kao's face inched closer to Earth's exposed nipple, one by one he sucked on them and trails his lips towards the sensitive spot behind Earth's ear. His lips were back on their track to kiss and suck the omega's nipples eagerly.

"I'll, undo, all, the, kiss mark...other alpha...has, left on you," said Kao in between his thrust and moans. He keeps trailing between Earth's sensitive spots as if to re-mark all the spots that one time Earth had his heat and an alpha left mark on him.

Not long they changed their position, with Kao in a sitting position and Earth riding him facing the same way, it's much easier for the alpha to pleasure Earth's member from behind.

Earth turned his face sideways and locked his lips in a heated kiss with Kao. Earth's tongue fought in a lost battle from Kao's skillful kiss techniques. His body started to shudder from being close to his climax.

"Alpha...I, it's, c-close..."

Kao started to fasten his pace, both his hips are inching upwards in a matched pace with Earth's pulling his butt's down, and his hands are starting to stroke the omega's erection to help him reach his climax. He inched his mouth forward to the omega's neck, right on the gland.

"Ah, ha, AHHH!" Earth gasped simultaneously as white thick fluid started to gush out from his trembled member in Kao's hand.

Feeling the tightness suddenly from Earth's clenching hole because of the omega's contraction when he came, Kao fastened his pace to pull out his member completely and then slammed in deepening his member inside Earth's hole, letting out his seeds deep inside Earth's willing and trembling hole. 

His teeth have sunken deep in Earth's gland until it bleeds out and left a permanent mark, they both have officially bonded now.

"My mate..." they both said simultaneously.


a/n: I ALMOST PASSED OUT AFTER WRITING THIS SMUT PART! OMG! Tell me how my first series' smut turn out, please! Because..............I'm planning to give them more smut!!! HAHAHAHA

p.s. The next part is a bit long chapter!

Don't forget to leave me your thoughts!!!

Thank you!

Updated on 24th of June,


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