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Kao has left for his business trip, Earth calls Fluke over and spent the first day together. They were just talking about stuff and eating the delicious cake Fluke bought on his way.

But then on the second day, Earth didn't come out of his room. The beta butler assigned in the east wing, since Kao didn't want any alpha to come near his mate when he's gone, has tried to coax the omega to come out and have his meals but to no avail, Earth refused to come out from his room.

Until the head butler was called and summoned to try to persuade the omega, as an alpha the head butler could smell the distress scent Earth let out right away. He figured that Earth will go into heat when Kao goes on a business trip.

The distress scent the omega let out was to notify his bond-mate that he'd soon go into heat. With that information in mind, the head butler assigned a beta butler to bring Earth's food and place them on the table in front of the young masters' room.

The pheromones Earth let out approaching his heat only works on his alpha, but strangely any alpha could smell the distressed scent the omega sent in Earth's case.

After that, the head butler prohibited any alpha to go to the east wing, mainly because he wanted to prevent any foreign alpha smell caught on the omega in heat or Earth's alpha will take that as a threat when he goes home later.


Kao took off his gloves one by one, then his coat, and then gave them to his beta attendant. He frowned in confusion when he realized that there was no alpha from the entrance to the east wing except for him.

His eyes went left and right, looking for his omega because Earth was usually there greeting him when the alpha took more than three days' business trip out of town.

He arched his eyebrows in confusion, "Where's my mate?" he asked his beta attendant.

Before the attendant answered, Kao sees the head butler came to him from the west wing direction.

"I have prevented any alpha from going to your side of the building, young master," the head butler said.

"Why?" Then Kao's face turned into concern remembering the same sign before, "Is Earth in heat now?"

The head butler shook his head, "I don't think so right now, young master. But I heard something different in his behavior this time," he said. "A beta butler said he found a whole lot of your clothes in a deserted room in the corner of your wing by chance."

The beta butler also nodded, "Young master Earth also came outside frequently to the vacant room that the head butler ordered us not to touch, young master."

Kao then spotted someone standing behind a pillar not far from their position, near the entrance to his side of the building.

Looking closely, it was his omega peeking at him. Kao chuckled and started walking towards his mate's hiding place after he dismissed the head butler, his attendant, and the other workers he sees nearby.

But one second later, a sweet intoxicating scent hit his nose hard, and Kao's feet buckled up in shock that made him almost lose control of himself, if not for the sight of his mate's red cheeks and flushed expression that restrains him from doing so.

There were voices inside his head that scream 'mate, mate, mate...'

Kao then understood, presumably, his omega's strange behavior was because he has been nesting since he left for his business trip.

And just now, his mate went into heat the exact moment he also went into his rut.


a/n: Woookay! You're right! The next part will surely be our 2nd SMUT!!! I think I've made it short, but...more intense. HAHAHAHAHA.

Updated on 4th of July,


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