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From that day onwards, Mew could be seen around Earth whenever the alpha was free from his butler duties. Earth just found out that the alpha was the mistress butler when the alpha served dinner to Kao's mother.

These few days Kao was busy with some works his father assigned him as the heir to the Dechaphatthanakun. So the chances of Earth serving Kao his needs were very little. He wasn't about to complain, but in truth, he was missing the alpha's scent that resembles forest to him, even if it aroused him a little, tiny bit.

Earth sighed in dejection when Kao left the house early morning to attend an elite meeting.

"What did a rabbit-like you pouting that lips doing here?"

Earth was startled by the sound coming from behind him. He wiped his head so he could see who had startled him, but he actually didn't really need to see who it was because he could tell from the voice that it was Mew.

Earth chuckles, "And what did a playful alpha like you doing on the young master's wing?"

Mew scratched his non-itchy head sheepishly, "Well the west wing was filled with only alphas so I need a refreshing face, an omega if you know where I could find them?" He playfully teased Earth.

Earth laughed, but soon stopped to look around for another pair of ears, afraid someone saw them being friendly towards each other despite them being an alpha and omega. He just doesn't want Mew to be gossiped about by others because of him.

Mew flicked Earth's forehead, "You don't need to hold your laughter, same as your tears, I've told you before," he said.

Earth was nursing his flicked forehead, but he gave the alpha a relieved smile. When he was about to say he's grateful, Mew glared at him.

"Eh, who's that white-skinned guy beside our young master?" Mew suddenly announced when his eyes saw through the window they were standing in.

Earth turned his head fast. Mew was right, Kao was holding out his hand like a gentleman he is to a white, tall, pretty guy beside him.

Then Earth remembered the reason he shed his tears that day.

Is that Kao's future mate?


a/n: I really don't wanna use him, but I had to, please don't be mad. Do you know who it was?

Thank you!

Written on 22nd of June,


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