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It's been a week since Earth started working in Dechaphatthanakun's household as the young master butler. They never exchange unnecessary words, and only a one-sided greeting from Earth every morning.

"Today, you have a visitor from the Ritprasert heir at noon, young master," said Earth.

Kao just nodded and went to the bathroom to take the morning bath that Earth has prepared for him.

Earth could only bow his head and let out a deep breath, he sometimes has to hold his breath so as to not inhale Kao's scent. He moved fast to take out the clothes Kao would wear for the day and laid it out on the bed. Lastly, he knocked on the bathroom door twice, "Young master, I will retire early today, the head butler will assign to you my replacement. Have a good day, sir," he said.

The omega doesn't know if the young master heard him or not, but he has to leave and lock himself in his room because he has a feeling that today his heat would come.

Changing his formal butler attire to more comfortable clothes, he sits on the edge of his bed, taking something from the drawers of his nightstand. A metal case, and inside lay the shots he should be taking right before his heat came. He closes his eyes after making sure to place the needle at his vein and push it so the liquid can flow in through his blood.

He heaved a sigh. His hand palpates behind his neck, to his gland, where there should be a mark if he were bonded to his alpha. His alpha, he mentally slapped himself, it seems there wouldn't be a mark at all.

A week serving Kao as his butler made him realize just how much he longed for the alpha to even glance at him a little. How he wished the alpha would consider their fated pair destiny even a little. It's all only a dream, it seems.

Right at noon, his heat came and hit him harder than he ever felt. Why? He already took his suppressant just now, why does his heat still come? And then it hits him, he could smell his alpha scent in this house. 

All reasons have left him with a mindless state to be mate, to be bred. He scrapped from the bed to the locked door, he lays himself behind the door and starts touching himself. 

He grabbed his member through his pants. He urgently slid down his training pants so he could freely touch his aching member without any barrier. His other hand reached out to his dripping wet hole, the slick he produced was so much more than ever, maybe because he could feel all the alphas pheromones that he could smell throughout this big house.

There's banging on his door, he could smell alpha pheromones just outside his door. He wishes to reach out to the keylock and open the door, but a small voice on the back of his mind forbids him from doing so. A small conscience still pressed against his clouded mind to make him take a hold of his urges to mate, you have your fated mate and you shouldn't take any other than him.


An alpha tone shook him out of his little conscience he still has. An alpha order is absolute to an omega like him. His hand scrambles to open the handle of the door. 

After opening the door, an alpha greeted his sight. A tall dignified looking alpha with short breath looking down on him just outside the door.

Earth shook himself some more, his mind telling him to move backward, so he did move back. The alpha steps forward, advancing to him who's scrambling with his hands with much difficulty. The alpha cornered him to the corner, he's so stupid to just open the door despite the order.

"You'll be mine!" the alpha growled before advancing on him. He then ripped open the white shirt that Earth was wearing and started to trail his mouth all over his shoulder and chest.

Earth arched his head back when the alpha reached his sensitive spot below his collarbone and then his nipples. Not long, the alpha's free hand reached his aching member, where he already took off his pants just after his heat started.

The clouded look of the alpha is giving him scares what little conscience he still has, and he's a little snapped out of his daze.






a/n : I seem like an evil to leave it hanging here. What would happen to Earth?

Thank you for reading!

Written on 20th of June,


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