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'Make myself happy first...I never thought of it that way.'

Kao was looking at the hutch where rabbits were eating their share of carrots he had brought with him. Not long, the head butler was beside him, looking at the rabbits with interested eyes. He brought something in his hand and handed it to Kao who was crouching down to look at the rabbit closely.

Kao took what was handed to him in silence. It was a banana-flavored candy in a small bag and he plopped one.

"I remember the day you asked me to look for the banana-flavored candy and to build this hutch to be filled with white small-kind of rabbits."

The head butler had a faraway look on his face and Kao stood silently while munching on the candy.

"You never really like sweets and prefer bitter coffee, but you asked me for candy as an assortment and didn't tell your own butler for it, young master."

Kao looked sideways to the head butler.

"Every time you had problems, you would be here watching the rabbits while munching on the candy I gave you."

"I did that?" Kao asked. He wasn't really sure if he really did that.

The head butler just smiles, then Kao turns to see the rabbits again.

"I pushed my fated pair away because of that damn incident. I thought if I rejected my attraction to Earth, I was freeing myself from the lie the omega probably brought. That's what I thought." Then Kao smiles bitterly, "I was an idiot."

The head butler gave him a sincere smile, like a parent's smile to their child, "Since Earth's arrival, you have changed, young master. You unconsciously look for the candy because it reminded you how he smelled before he wore his collar. You calmed whenever you looked at the rabbit because they reminded you how Earth looks and acts. It had nothing to do with your past or your family's bloodline. You have moved forward, that's how I see it."

"That's because he...he's different. He was always smiling despite my acts, he was always there even when he knew I was with Saint, and he never runs away as I did. I'm a coward."

The head butler just smiles as reassurance.

Then Kao was running inside the house. Running to where he should be, not where he was expected to be. To his real future mate.


a/n: The award of angelic character goes to P'WUT! I was having a turmoil inside my head from imagining how it should be, how the story should flow, but I'm satisfied with this chapter! How about you?

Thank you!

Updated on 23rd of June,


Fated to be Yours // KAOEARTH OMEGAVERSE AUWhere stories live. Discover now