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Yesterday he retired to his room earlier than he usually did. Thanks to Mew accompanying him until he dried his tears and the alpha was right, now he doesn't really feel sad anymore.

Earth woke up feeling the puffiness of his eyes because of crying his heart out yesterday. When he was just about tiptoeing his way to take some ices from the fridge for compressing his puffy eyes, he was surprised to find Mew in front of his door with a basin in his hands.

Mew gave Earth a gentle smile, "I heard you fumbling in your room and thought that maybe you need this now more than ever," he handed the basin to Earth.

When the omega looked at the content of the basin, there were ices and a small towel. He looked sharply at the alpha, "How did you..."

Mew smiles sheepishly at the omega in front of him, "Compress your puffy eyes with ice to reduce the swelling," he answered.

Earth slowly smiles, "How thoughtful of you to give me this," he said, "Thank you, for yesterday and...for this ice."

The alpha hiccuped from seeing the angelic face in front of him, "A-anytime, see you later!"

With that said, the alpha left Earth standing on his bedroom door, with fond smiles visible on his lips.


a/n: I don't want Mu to suffer at Kao's hands...what should I do?

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Written on 22nd of June,


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