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"So tell me again why are you here when I didn't summon you, Thitiwat?" Kao said with a sigh after seeing his childhood friend just sitting casually in his study room.

Ohm raised one of his eyebrows, "You're not my superior to be able to summon me though," he answered cheekily.

Kao narrowed his eyes, "And pray to tell me, why did the Ritprasert heir come to my humble abode unannounced?"

Ohm cleared his throat, "Like hell your manor a humble abode, dude," before he could continue, there was twice knocking sound from the door.

"Enter," said Kao.

Earth came in bringing a tray with two teacups and a teapot with a plate of assorted pastries. He looked up suddenly when there was a gasp from the young master's guest.

Ohm sitting on the sofa looking bewildered at the omega butler who serves the tea to him. Again, he cleared his throat when the omega looked confused at him, "I'm so sorry for that time," he said.

His brows furrowed, Earth straightened his back and tilted his head in confusion, "Pardon me, sir, whatever did you mean?"

Kao sighed from his seat, "He was the one that attacked you when you were in heat," he explained.

Earth widened his eyes in shock, he hadn't heard about that. Was his memory really that bad about the day his heat came?

Ohm glared at Kao for uttering such nonsense, "Yah! I was only ALMOST attacking him, you dummy!"

Kao lazily looked at his guest, "You left kiss marks all over his body and said almost?"

Ohm sheepishly looks at Earth like a deer caught red-handed, "Y-yeah, sorry for that, ehm..."

"His name's Earth, remember that before you barged in my home and lunged yourself the moment you smelled his pheromones," Kao said.

Earth was looking down the whole time, his hands were trembling. If not for Kao's agility to catch the tray, there would be a mess on the floor by now. He was looking aghast, he didn't know that other alpha had tainted his body.

Kao chuckles, "Next time, make sure you wear your collar despite your suppressant on your heat, at least to prevent random alpha like that guy from attacking you," he said as if Earth's heat didn't affect him at all, then he put down the tray to the table before sitting down again on his chair.

Earth mutely nodded.

"And you think you were okay that day? Look at that bandage still covering your wound from you biting yourself," Ohm said smugly with his arms crossed.

Kao rolled his eyes, "This," he raised his right hand, "Was proof that I'm not some mindless alpha who's only after an omega's pheromones," he said with one brow raised in challenge.

There was a growl coming from Ohm, but Kao paid him no mind, "You could take a break now, this guy would probably pester me all day today," he said dismissing Earth.

Ohm narrowed his eyes at his friend. When the omega butler left them he couldn't hold his curiosity any longer, "What's with him? Is he...?"

Kao sighed in defeat, he couldn't fool his friend's sharpness about him, "Yes, that so-damn-called fated pair," he answered.

"You mean, your fated pair? You don't plan on taking your destiny as his fated pair then?" Ohm asked making sure he heard it right.

He just glanced at Ohm and without answering, Ohm sure as hell understood the meaning.

"Seems like your father has been busy looking for candidates for your mate, I guess he doesn't know about that omega butler being your fated pair?"

Kao shakes his head, "I will go along with my father's plan."


a/n: Kao will still choose another as his mate? If I could enter the plot, I'd gladly strangle him so he could come to his senses.

Don't forget to leave me a vote and comments! Thank you!

Written on 22nd of June,


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