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"The elder said the regular omega's heat wasn't the deciding factor of them getting pregnant," Kao said.

Earth frowned at his alpha, "Regular? Is there any other type of heat, then?" he asked confusedly.

Kao nodded, "There would be a time when the omega was feeling like nesting a few days before their heat. The alpha also should be on a rut, which means both alpha and omega are ready to welcome a child."

"But, why? I mean, isn't every bond-mate going through heats means they're ready to bring a child into the world?" Earth asked.

Kao shook his head, he caressed Earth's head, "Apparently, it's not a matter of ready or not, but the fact that when omegas are in heat and the alphas going blind by the pheromones, it was a matter of control."

The alpha chuckles at how his mate still looks confused at his explanation, "When they're mating, all reasons will be gone then replaced by desire and lust. Some may be passionate about having a family already, but some may not, and they couldn't prevent it. That's the difference, baby," he explained more.

"Ah, I get it," Earth said with a face of understanding, but then he frowned once more. "I've been wanting your child since we bonded though, but why...?" he questioned his alpha. Not long, his face turned sad, "Is it because you don't want to?"

"Baby, it sure is not that. I'm always ready to take the responsibility of you and any children we have in the future, I'll shower you and our children with loves," Kao tried to calm his distressed omega. His hand stroked his mate's cheek in a loving gesture. "For a fated bond like us, both need to clear their minds of bad or black thoughts, baby," he said.

Earth looked up to his alpha's eyes, "Black thoughts?"

Kao smiles softly, "I know you've been struggling with nightmares and anxiety, baby. That's what they called black thoughts, your judgment sometimes ain't clear because of your doubt."

There was silence between them after that. 

Earth closed his eyes and savored the feeling of warmth and safety from his alpha's caressing hand. The presence of his alpha was enough to drive his concern away, clear his thoughts of doubt, and also erase the feeling of loneliness.

One thing for sure, his alpha is right. The nightmares at night every time his alpha wasn't there and the doubts he has of simple things aren't really healthy for both his body and mind.

With that in mind, Earth opened his eyes and looked straight to his alpha's concerned face, "Please, alpha, help me overcome all of it so we can happily welcome our child," he desperately reached out to be held by his alpha, and the alpha complied to his mate's demand.

"I want you to always smile. We will surely overcome it together, baby."


a/n: I was bored out of my mind and just published new Instagram AU here on Wattpad, feel free to check it guys. I would also like to say CONGRATULATION to Earth for his 1M followers on IG! Just wanna say, I'll update more than one chapter of FTBY today, so wait for another update later on today!

Updated on 3rd of July,


Fated to be Yours // KAOEARTH OMEGAVERSE AUWhere stories live. Discover now