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"Kao, are you satisfied with this?" Saint asked him when they were on their get-to-know date alongside a lantern river.

Kao looks confused, "Yes, you're a great company," he answered.

Saint sighed, "It doesn't mean you're happy though, Kao."

Kao seems to want to object, but Saint beat him to it.

"You're an amazing person, Kao. It makes me happy when you choose me," Saint said.

Kao stood silent, digesting Saint's words to find its meaning. He looks sideways to see a sincere smile on the younger ones' face. Saint comes from a prestigious family, he never demands anything since they get to know one another, overall he was a perfect partner.

"Even something that's decided by your family?" Kao asked.

Saint, still giving him a soft smile answered, "That's right. But that's something I decided on my own, in order for me to be happy."

Kao looks flustered with the answer, "What do you...mean?"

Saint explained in a sincere tone, "I believe that to make others happy, I must first make myself happy," he said.

"That's so...naive," Kao said unconsciously.

Saint chuckles, "I saw that sincere look you had when we visited the rabbit. You reminded them of someone, someone you have your feelings on but never admitted it, even to the cost of your real happiness. You're too narrow-minded."

Kao stunned silently. He was reminded again with someone's face on his mind.

Saint looked sideways to Kao's direction and said with a flat tone, "For me, I wouldn't want to see someone so important to me look so painful."


a/n: Do you agree with what Saint said? I bet Kao felt like he was being slapped with those words. Well I just woke up and the moment I opened my eyes I rush over here to update this story for you!

Help me share this story on your socmed to spread KaoEarth's love around HAHAHA, well don't forget to leave me VOTE and comments to see your thoughts on this chapter!

Thank you!

Updated on 23rd of June,


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