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Eight days passed by after both of them locked themselves inside their room due to Earth's heat and Kao's rut. They only ate the food the beta butlers brought and placed outside their room, with Kao taking them to feed his mate in bed. They, fortunately, there's a bathroom inside, so they didn't have to go outside at all.

Earth yawned with both hands stretched in the air when he wakes up. His body is so stiff right now, due to last night's activities. Remembering about last night made his face heated up and he went red in embarrassment. His heat ended just last night and they spent all of those days passionately making love.

"Aren't your lower body sore, baby?" Kao's hoarse voice from the bed beside him made him turn his head to see his alpha looking at him with eyes half-opened.

Earth lay down his body again right into his alpha's outstretched arms. He's wriggling his body, looking for a comfortable position, then settles inside his alpha's embrace and tucking himself below the crook of his alpha's chin.

"I don't know...but I think I am," he answered his alpha in a not-so-sure tone.

Kao laughed softly, his chin rubbing Earth's head below him, "I'll bring you a painkiller later on. For now, let's us sleep again, baby," he said.

Earth giggled, "You're the best, alpha," he said.

Kao just ruffled his omega's bed hair and sighed in contentment, until the both of them went to sleep some more.


Many weeks passed with Kao and Earth leisurely enjoying their time together. Kao sometimes still has to go out for business-related, but he mostly chose to be at home with his mate if he can. Kao became more protective than ever of his mate ever since Earth's last heat. Meanwhile, Earth enjoys every second of his alpha fussing over him.

Kao just woke up from their nap to find his mate's gone from beside him. He looked around and didn't find his mate's presence in their room. Decided to just throw a white shirt over his shirtless body, then he went to the kitchen. He stopped on his track.

He sniffs the air, there's a strange smell that he has been smelling for a few days now. That foreign scent, he could smell it getting stronger when he entered the kitchen where his mate's cooking form could be seen.

Earth who detected his alpha's scent turned around, "Good evening! I just finished baking a cheesecake for you. Not too sweet and rather salty, just how you like it," Earth enthusiastically greeted his alpha who stood frozen on the kitchen entrance.

Kao frowned and looked around the kitchen, but he only found the both of them there, "Don't you smell something, baby?" he tiptoed his way to his mate's stretch out arms.

Earth circled his hands on his alpha's waist and deeply inhaled Kao's scent. With a face still buried in his alpha's chess, he answered nonchalantly, "I dunno. Maybe you're just smelling something else outside. You kept saying you smell something these days," he frowned.

Kao chuckles and ruffles Earth's hair to remove some flour, "Remember the last time you went into heat and I went into my rut, baby? Didn't you said something has changed in you?"

Earth tries to remember what he said back then, "I..think I said that?" he questioned his alpha back.

"Can you tell me what's changed about you, baby?"

Earth's trying to think about what he said, he couldn't remember why, but he doesn't want to disappoint his alpha so he tries hard to remember it.

Meanwhile, Kao's nose went to his mate's offered neck and inhaled the scent he can't get out of his head since forever. There's something strange here, but he couldn't pinpoint what. He keeps inhaling his mate's fragrance while trying to discover the cause of those strange smells he realized oozing from his mate's body.

Earth's head spinning from thinking too much, he staggered a little and his alpha instinctively caught his weight.

"Easy, baby," his alpha said to him. Earth shook his head to clear the birds that are dancing in front of his eyes before they went black completely and his body fell right into his alpha's arms.


Kao was wiping the sweat from Earth's head when the omega slowly opened his eyes. He seems out of it for a moment, before he takes the offered straw from his alpha and drinks the water.

"Wha-what happened?" he groggily asked, "I only remember hugging you after I baked the cheesecake," he added.

Kao chuckles, he ruffles his mate's hair lovingly, "You passed out from thinking too much and dehydrated was what the doctor said," he took both of his mate's hand and rubbed it in his', "I asked you something about the strange smell I sniffed before, remember?" he asked.

Earth frowned then he nodded slowly, "What about it? Is it because of some odor coming from me? I remember I took a bath in the morning," he said tilting his head in confusion.

Kao gave his mate a big smile, so big that people who see that will know that he's so head over heels in love with the person laying on the bed right now.

"It turns out to be our child's scent, baby. You're pregnant!"


a/n: SURPRISE! So, it's end here right now, but there would be BOOK II for sure soon! I'm sooooo happy right now! And this chapter I actually wrote on 3rd of July, the day Mu reached his 1M followers on IG and also the day they kept flirting back and fort. Meanwhile, we NineHeart are being teased here HAHAHA.

So, tell me what you thought of this book so far? I didn't know I'd end this in the same number's chapter. I mean, 33 is kinda...lucky, I guess? OKAY BYE-BYE for now!

Thank you for reading the BOOK I of Fated to be Yours!

Updated on 4th of July,


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