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If Kao wasn't wrong, he sometimes saw Earth converse with that butler, the one who serves his mother. He saw Mew who was just walking in the corridor leading to the dining room, he called the butler over.


Mew stopped on his track and turned around to see the young master walking towards him.

"Have you seen Earth?" asked Kao.

Without expression, the butler answered, "I don't know, sir. He might be in his room packing his things now."

"Huh?" confusion was written all over Kao's face.

"After your engagement announcement tomorrow, Earth and I will leave the Dechaphatthanakun house," Mew answered. He bows a little to the young master, "Thank you for all your care."

Kao was irritated, "Hey."

"Please don't worry, I will protect Earth," Mew said with smugness on his face. "Not because he's an omega, but because he's the one I love," he continued, "Even if he's your mate."

Kao was stunned and silent.

"Oh, sorry, sir, my mistake. He's not your official mate. Destiny...is so easy to change," Mew smirked, "Even for a mere butler like me. Goodbye, young master."

Kao clenched his fist in anger seeing the alpha butler's retreating back in front of him, but he didn't say anything either.

He merely watched the silhouette in regret.


a/n: I feel bad to crush your hope in seeing KaoEarth together in this chapter...don't hate meeee! I can't let Kao get to Earth so easy just like that...

Thank you!

Updated on 23rd of June,


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