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The next time Earth awake, the heavy curtains already opened, and the light shone brightly through the see-through curtains. He was facing the window, where his mate's body should be beside him, but he didn't see Kao in the bed anymore.

He sat up with a startled expression, head looking left and right to search for Kao's whereabouts. Finding no one there except him, he was just about to stand up and go looking, when the door opened and revealed Kao. He sighed in relief upon seeing his alpha.

Kao's left hand was carrying a tray and his other hand was closing the door. Seeing his omega already sat in their bed, he makes his way to Earth with a beaming smile he rarely shows others.

Kao puts the tray on Earth's side of the nightstand and brings his face close to his omega's forehead, leaving a chaste kiss with Earth closing both eyes to relish the loving gesture his soon-to-be husband gave him.

"Good morning, baby," Kao said when he pulled away and looked at Earth's gleaming face.

"Good morning, alpha," he greeted back and he grinned in a love-struck expression.

Kao can't help but smile and shuffled Earth's bed hair, the latter then pouted. Kao reached for the tray he put on the nightstand and brought it closer to his mate, placing it above Earth's laps.

"Here, I brought you breakfast in bed," the alpha said.

Earth then eased his pout and smiled brightly seeing the food which consisted of toasted bread, sausages, slices of bacon, and eggs. "How thoughtful of you!" he gushed.

Kao gave a smirk, "Considering how we've been at it for two days, with only snacks I had in the mini-fridge as our source of food, it's only right for me to serve you something with protein to replaced all we've spent," he emphasized a few words to teased the omega.

Kao successfully made Earth's face turn red in embarrassment. The omega reaches out his hand to smack the alpha's chest twice in annoyance.

"You know...the moment I found out you were gone, I thought you had left me..." Earth confessed, head looking down in shame to ever think of that.

Kao chuckles and lifts Earth's chin so their eyes met, "I would never leave you, baby. I just took a shower and went out to make your breakfast, not to forget to ask the head butler to burn your butler's clothes you left under our bed the night we bonded."

Earth's eyes went wide, "Y-you burn those clothes?"

Kao nodded with one eyebrow raised, "Why? Are you too attached to it or something?" he asked in confusion.

Earth shook his head right away, "No, t-then, what should I wear when I go back to my room?"

Kao sighed in frustration, he pinched Earth's cheek, then the omega swatted his hand away from his cheek.

"What do you mean your room, hm? This is our room the day you accepted my proposal, baby," Kao said.

Earth was squealing and both his hands encircled Kao's neck in happiness.

"Easy, easy, baby, or the food would spill out from the plate," Kao said, balancing the tray that almost knocked over.

Earth let go of Kao in an instant, "Oops," he said in a cheerful voice. Kao just laughed at his mate's antics and Earth started to eat the food Kao brought him eagerly, knowing the alpha was the one who cooked it for him specially.

"Really," Kao said with a fondness shown on his face, then he said with a loving tone, "I thought you were a little rabbit...but you're just like a cute piggy. All squishy chubby cheeks and gleaming eyes upon food, but...you're my chubby piggy, my Mu."


a/n: I'm so happy to write moments like these, felt so domestic and real. After this, what do my readers expect to see from KAOEARTH? I'd like to hear your opinion :)

BUT...I don't think I can promise anymore update for today it seems :(

Updated on the 25th of June,


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