❶ THEIR Training Ground

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(Y/N's POV)

"Hey get back here thief!"

"Hmm no thanks! Thanks for the wallet!" I laughed as I climbed up onto the roof of the stall to get away from the man, I smirked as I dangled the wallet above his head laughing more as he reached up for the wallet

"I hope your dastardly actions catch up to you soon!" The man growled as he waved his fist up at me

"Yeah, yeah they probably will hold onto that dream old man" I chuckled giving him a small wave before running off

I jumped from roof to roof giggling to myself as a cool gust of wind blew my (H/L) hair over my face tickling my cheeks slightly, I moved my hair from my face and stuffed the stolen wallet into my pocket as I got closer to home. I jumped down from a roof groaning slightly as I landed, I pulled out my poison daggers from a holder on my belt as I heard movement around the corner I held my breath slightly and slowly crept around the corner to see three Wererats' blocking my way

"Oh seriously you fuckers again? You're everywhere at the moment!" I sighed

The mutant rats all turned to me and hissed slightly as they started to run at me I smirked and kicked one of them back digging one of my poisoned daggers into the side of its neck sweeping it across causing the rats neck to slice open killing it instantly, I chuckled and stabbed the other two rats in the stomachs at the same time slicing them open their guts spilling out over my hands. I panted slightly and wiped the slight sweat off my head as I kicked one of the rats "Huh.... playground level" I chuckled and put my daggers away running down the alley down to the opening where my home was in these slums. I sighed happily as I viewed the open area in front of my home picking up a small rock and throwing it at a broken smogger, I walked up to some rusted stairs and carefully walked up them to my front door walking into my home sighing at the decaying state of it. I walked into the small kitchen taking the black mouth mask I wore that had a sharped tooth smile on it and chucked it onto a shelf and then I walked to the sink and washed my bloody hands drying them off with a small kitchen cloth before pulling out the wallet from my pocket and chucking it onto a small dirty kitchen island and pulling out all the money starting to count it.

"Huh nice... I can finally get some more gear" I say to myself stuffing all the money back in the wallet putting it up on the shelf I had put my mask for safe keeping, I sighed and walked to the mirror noticing some fresh cuts on my face from today's battles "anymore scars and you'll have just as much as Dad did" I chuckled to myself and flopped down on the sofa running a hand through my (H/C) hair as I slowly closed my eyes finally letting my body rest for today, I focused on the soft sound of my breaths and the dripping of the leaky tap that usually drives me crazy but it feels nice to not lay in complete silence. I can start to feel my eyes getting heavy so I open them and sit up.

"Falling asleep may be the death of you right now" I said to myself and rubbed my face suddenly jumping as I heard the loud clanking of metal.

I stood up taking my daggers out I quickly grabbed my mask and put it on running outside to see the what I though
was a broken smogger stand up, I sighed and rolled my eyes running down to it starting to fight it with all the strength I had. I coughed as it blew out some sort of smoke which made my head spin and my stomach turn causing me to fall to the ground, the smogger walked over to me lifting it's foot I gasped and quickly rolled to my side to avoid being crushed. I stood up and growled reaching my limiting and defeating the smogger in minutes as I screamed, I knelt on the floor as I tried to catch my breath gripping on the handles of my daggers with a strong grip.

"Very impressive didn't think you could do it"

"Huh?" I quickly stood up looking around me my daggers out either side of me but no one could be seen

Suddenly, a few small rocks fell behind me and I turned around to see a red haired man sat on a large rock that stuck out on the natural wall of rock with two guards stood beside him, I growled and stepped back his aqua like eyes sparkling as he jumped down a smug smirk plastered on his face as he walked towards me

"W....who are you!?" I growled again as I continued to back away from him my daggers pointed at his chest

"Hmm... I was gonna ask you the same, princess" he said his smug smirk only growing wider

"No I'm asking the questions here bitch!" I snarled as I stomped my foot down keeping my ground

"Hey! Don't call me a bitch you bitch!" He growled

He was about to say something when a helicopter flew over head, I looked up and snarled stepping back as the helicopter started to land. Once the helicopter landed a bald man with shades stepped out of it looking at me and then at the red haired man "Reno what are you doing here?"

"I came here to train and found this thing here" Reno pointed at me as he glared at me

The bald man looked at me and put his sunglasses at the edge of his nose so he could look over them at me "Huh.... maybe we could all train here.... us against her" he smirked and pushed his shades back up

Reno also smirked and he chuckled still glaring me down "She wouldn't stand a chance"

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms glaring back at him "And what makes you think that ponytail?"

Reno's eyes widened slightly and he growled lunging towards me but the bald man placed his hand on Reno's shoulder and stepped infront of him

"What are you doing so far from town?" He said calmly

"That is none of your business get the fuck away from my home" I growled and went to stab him in the shoulder but he grabbed my wrist and squeezed it tight

"That wouldn't be the wisest choice" he looked over at my house and so did Reno

"Who are you?" I snarled as I ripped my hand away from him

The bald man looked at me and placed a hand on his hip "Rude and you are?"

"I'm not telling you!" I growled

Reno sighed and he crossed his arms looking me up at down "maybe a deal should be put in place, you take me on since you wouldn't stand a dying chance against both of us and if I win your coming with us but.... if you win we'll leave you alone"

I snarled at looked at Rude and then at Reno "fine....if that's what will get you to leave me alone"

"Hmm" Rude nodded and he walked over and sat down on a rock

Reno chuckled pulling out a metal like rod with what looked to be a taser at the end of it "Oh this is going to be fun! No rules and may the best person win" he bowed and looked up at me smirking "You will learn that this is OUR training ground"

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