Chapter 1 : first day of school

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Y/n's pov
I wake up to the loud noise of my alarm clock ughhhh I groan. It's 7:00 am and I have to go to school. It's the first day and I am not looking forward to it. I trudge downstairs and smell a welcoming smell of mom's fresh pancakes. "Morning y/n!'she says "morning" I reply. "So how's my 10th grader feeling??" (Pretend you're in tenth grade) "tired, I guess." "Well, would my grumpy daughter of mine like some pancakes?" "Sure, I'm just going to get dressed first" I walk out of the kitchen and get dressed and wear this:

" "Well, would my grumpy daughter of mine like some pancakes?" "Sure, I'm just going to get dressed first" I walk out of the kitchen and get dressed and wear this:

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I go down stairs again and grab a pancake covered in Nutella."hey mom, I'm gonna be late so I'll eat it on the way" I say to mom. "Ok see ya later have a nice day y/n!" "Bye"

*time skip to outside the school cuz I'm too lazy*

While I walk up to the gates a wave of the same old feeling comes across me. I don't have many friends ever since Noah became famous. He was the only one who truly understood me but now he probably has like 500 friends. I walk along the sidewalk until I reach the door. As soon as I reach for the handle the door slams open and hits me on the nose and you fall on the floor "Shit!" I say. "Omg I'm so sorry are you ok?" A girls voice says. I get up and dust myself off when i look up i see a familiar face, it was Chloe, Noah's twin. "Y/n!, omg I haven't seen you in ages!" She says. "Hey Chloe" I reply. I can't believe she actually remembers me, I mean I haven't talked to her in about 3 years ever since Noah was in stranger things. "I'm so sorry I hit you I didn't mean it, I was just trying to find Noah." "Oh, where is he?" You question "I don't know he ran off because some girls were chasing him asking him for pictures and now I can't find him" she says, she looks really worried "oh, ummm I have like half an hour until my first class, I can help you look?" "Really? That would be amazing thanks. I'm gonna go and try the cafeteria why don't you try the football field?" I nod and run off in the direction of the football field.

When I reach the field I scan the ground.No Noah. I run over to the bleachers and see a boy with brown hair hiding there. "Noah?" I shout out. The boy looks up, " umm I'm busy sorry I can't take a picture". "I don't want one" I reply. "You don't? Oh sorry I thought-" "hey, it's fine I'm not some crazy fan who wants to chase you around" "wait, I recognize that voice, y/n?" He says. "Yeah" "omg it is you! I haven't seen you in ages" " ya its probably because your the most popular boy in the school and I'm just a loner" I snap back "I- sorry I didn't mean it that way" holy shit why am I so stupid??"it's fine aha I get it, umm why did you actually come here?" Noah says. "Oh Chloe was looking for you and she asked me to help find you." I say. " oh ahahah I thought you were some crazy fan at first, let's get outta here.
He dodges in front of me and I follow. Of course as the dumb bitch I am I forgot to tie my shoelace and I trip straight into Noah. "Woah!" I scream. I topple on top of Noah and we both fall down. I'm on top of Noah and our faces are so close they are almost touching. I quickly stumble off him and give my hand to Noah's "OMG NOAH IM SO SORRY" I say, my cheeks are burning and I probably look like a tomato. "Ahaha it's fine I guess we both fell for each other" Noah replies I turn around facing Noah again "what?" " oh um nothing I gotta go see you around I guess" he says as he walks away. Wtf did he just say that!!! Omg does he know that I like him, I never told anyone

*end of school*
All day I've been so distracted by what Noah said. What does he mean by we've both fallen for each other, was it just a pun or did it mean something. Wait, does he like me? Of course not no one does I'm a loner and Noah is like super famous get your head together y/n of course he doesn't like me ughh why does HE have to my crush.

*Noah's POV*
As I enter the door of my house I'm greeted with spaghetti and Riley licking me. "Hey guysss, Ive missed you" "Noah, move!" Chloe shouts. I shove over to the side still crouching next to the dogs. "Hey mom, hey dad I have loads of homework so I gotta do it like right now byeeee" I shout while I'm already climbing up the stairs. "Ok Noah" dad shouts. I run into my room and slam the door. I get out my phone and search up y/n's number I go into the texts and scroll through them
July 14th 2016 11:58 pm

Y/n 💖🖕🏻😂
Omg Nono I cant wait till tomorrow to watch it
Yes I'm so excited for you to see it!!!

I can't wait xx
July 15th 2016 7:43 pm
U rly like it?
Aww thanks so much I love you 😘 heheh
Ly too goof 😂😂

I start tearing up. I remember the time I found out I was gonna be in stranger things, I was at camp but she was the first person I called. She was so happy for me. All these years ive treated her like shit and left her.
Tears stream down my face as I continue reading the messages, I left her on read so many times, I was a dry texter and then.. it just.. stops..
January 1st 2018
Happy New Years x
I hope you know I'm proud of you Noah. I'll always love you and be there for when you need to talk
Read 12:56am

God I can be such a dickhead.I miss her so much though. She was the only true friend I've ever had all of my other friends use me for clout except y/n.... The truth is I have a crush on her I know I know the one main rule of having a best friend is to not have a crush on them but she's so amazing and cute. I have to talk to her I miss her too much not to

*Y/n's POV*

I was doing some homework when I heard my phone buzz I reached over to it and the notification said

Nono🥺💜🥵 is typing......

A/n lol cliffhanger heheheh ummm so hi this is my first time writing one so let me know if you want more hehe ok 👋 bye schnippers

The boy I fell in love with/ Noah schnapp x readerWhere stories live. Discover now