Chapter 31: red and blue

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A/n hey guys!! I'm so so sorry for not updating In ages it's just a lotta shit has been happening in my life rn and I have exams coming up anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter xox

Y/n's pov
We are all sitting on the couch waiting for the cops to show up. Karine called them a while ago and now we're all just waiting. I texted Alex to see if Aaron said anything yet. He said he hasn't heard from him. I put my phone down and join in on Noah, Chloe's and karine's conversation.
(Btw I have no idea how police things work so just go with it ahahah)

A little while later we hear a knock on the door. Karine jumps up to answer it. She opens the door and we all look over to see 2 cops, a male and female, standing at the door. "Good morning officers" says karine. "Good morning. I'm officer daphne Blake and this is officer Fred Jones (lmao if you know who these people are I'll love you forever) you must be karine" says the female officer. "Yes I am nice to meet you" karine replies "come on in". The two officers walk in and look over at Noah, chloe and I sitting in the couch staring at them. "You must be Noah" says officer jones. "Yeah that's me" Noah replies. "Well nice to meet you Noah" says officer Jones, "now which one is chloe?". "I'm chloe, his sister" chloe says. Officer black looks at me. "Who are you my lovely?" She asks me. "I- I'm y/n, Noah's girlfriend" I reply to her. "Oh okay, well what we're gonna do is we will interrogate each kid seperately if that's okay?" Officer Jones says to karine. "Yes that's completely fine" she says. "Perfect, Noah if you could come with us into a different room please" officer blake says. The three of them walk into the office attached to their kitchen, while me, Chloe and karine sit back down onto the couch.

After about half an hour later, they come out. I can see Noah been crying because his eyes are all red. I stand up and hug Noah. "It's gonna be okay" I whisper into his ear. " y/n can we have you next please?" Says officer jones. "Oh sure" I reply. I walk over to them and we walk into the office. Officer Blake sits down on the seat while officer jones leans on the desk. He gestures me to take a seat on the chair infront of them. I sit down and look at them.

B= officer Blake
J= officer jones
Y/n= y/n

B: so y/n can you tell us about the whole thing between you and Noah

Y/n: oh, well um, noah and I have been best friends since we were little and we kinda grew apart when he got a role in stranger things but last year we grew closer and we started dating in like October.

B: and what about the conflict, that happened recently

Y/n: umm the day that it happened my friends, noah and I were hanging out and he said he had to go so he went and then my mom asked me to go get groceries and I was walking up to the grocery and I saw Noah kissing another girl. He saw me but I ran away.

J= and who were these "friends" of yours

Y/n= we're all in this big friend group, their names are chloe Schnapp, Julia raskin, Ava dilorenzo, Ben rothman, Jenna torrelas, Sam golbach, Alex Porter and um... Aaron linch.

J= and who did you tell about the whole thing with you and Noah

Y/n= I told Julia first the day after and I guess chloe told Noah but I told the rest yesterday

B= and did anyone have a reaction that really stood out?

Y/n= well Aaron said he would beat Noah up, jokingly, he's normally an aggressive person

B= okay what happened after you told them.

Y/n= well we all got ice cream then played in the playground

J= how did you all see Noah then? was he at the park?

Y/n= no we were all walking home and we were in this neighbourhood when we saw Noah walking.

B= did he seem angry?

Y/n= No, just sad

J= now, y/n can you tell us exactly what happened when you guys all met Noah

Y/n= um sure okay, we were walking down the road and Ben saw Noah. We all went up to him, well I was at the back with chlo and they were all asking him questions like "why would you cheat on y/n" and all that stuff but Jenna said why cheat on y/n with this um whore and Noah defended her- becca which made Aaron mad. He was starting to go too far and I told him to stop and let him go. Then Aaron said okay but tripped him, he fell on his face and got a nasty cut. Aaron called him more names so N- um- Noah punched him

B= what happened next

Y/n= Aaron punched him to the floor and got on top of him he started the punch him hard so I tried to run over to get him off but chloe wouldn't let me. I shrugged her off and ran over. Ben and Ava tried to pull me off but Aaron elbowed me in the neck and I fell back. Then everyone else tries to pull Aaron of Noah. They get him off and he starts running. Everyone runs after him except me but couldn't catch him

B= was Noah okay?

Y/n= no, h- he was unconscious *i can feel the tears coming up* I got up and went over to him. Most of his face was bleeding

J= when did he gain consensus again?

Y/n= a couple of seconds later, he explained to me what happened in the parking lot of the grocery store and I forgave him

B= what happened after this?

Y/n= well everyone came back and Noah didn't want to go back to his own house because his mom would've killed him because she was angry at him for cheating on me so.. he came to my house and stayed the night.

J= did you see and noticeable bruises or cuts on him?

Y/n= well I tried to help clean him up but there was a lot of bruising on his stomach and on his back. There was also a massive cut on his chest and a lot on his face.

B= okay thank you for the information y/n that'll be all for now.

Y/ns pov

I stand up and walk out of the office with officers Blake and jones behind me. I look up and see Noah staring at me. I smile at him. "Chloe, can we speak to you now please?" Says officer Blake. She nods and walks into the room after them.

A couple of minutes later chloe comes back out with the two officers. "Thank you so much for this karine we'll be in touch soon once we locate Aaron I want you to make sure you know your on the right side of this and well make sure you get justice" says officer Blake. "Thank you guys see you later" karine says. "Thank you" the three of us say. The cops walk out of the house and I can finally breath a sigh of relief. "I'm gonna calm your mom now y/n if that's okay" karine says. "Sure" I reply as she walks into the kitchen. Chloe goes upstairs.I sit down and Noah flops down next to me. He puts his head on my chest. I start playing with his hair "You okay?" He asks me. "Yes, are you" I say. "I'm good I guess, a little sore" noah replies. "Awww my poor baby" I laugh. We sit in silence for a while just cuddling.

Noah looks up to me and smiles. "What?" I ask him. "Nothin" he says and looks back down. "Nowahhh" I say. "I was just looking at how beautiful you are" he tells me. I start blushing. He sits up a bit and kisses me for a while. Just then karine walks into the room with her phone in her hand. "Y/n your parents will be- oh I'll leave you two alone" she says. Noah jumps back from me "no no mom it's fine" he says quickly and I start giggling.

Sup bros sorry this was such a shitty chapter but I need to get this part in and then I'll make it better I promise. Anyways I'll update soon idk when but soon so byeeeeew

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