Chapter 11: LA devotee ;)

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Y/n's pov
It's been a week since I sent in my audition for season 4. Me and Noah have been waiting and every time one of our phones ring we jump up and grab it like its the duffer brothers or something. We were sitting on my bed watching big hero 6 when my phone rang. I looked at it and it said "matt duffer". "HOLY SHIT NOAH COME OVER HERE!!" I scream at him as he runs over to my side. I answer it.

"Hello" I say.

"Hey y/n, it's matt and Ross again. We just want to say that your audition was mind blowing and we thought that it was so good we would like you to fly to la and audition in front of us"

My jaw drops as I mute the phone and me and noah scream.

"Oh ummm yes... when am I flying out?"

"We were thinking on Friday, maybe you could fly out on Thursday with your mom or dad and you could bring Noah if you wanted to and we will book you a hotel and send you the details about the audition in a minute and you would fly back Friday night"

"That would be amazing, thank you so much"

"Well see you then y/n"

"Bye, thank you both"

I end the call and me and Noah start screaming again. We jump on top of the bed and start jumping up and down. "I KNEW YOU COULD DO IT" Noah screams in my face. We run downstairs screaming to tell my mom and dad. "MOM WE ARE GOING TO LA TO AUDITION FOR SEASON 4" I shouted. "We heard the screaming from here ahah" dad said. "Congratulations sweetheart I always knew you could achieve your dreams" Mom says. We have a big group hug, including Noah then we go to Noah's house to tell his parents the big news and ask if he's aloud to come with us. We arrive at the house and everyone gives me a hug and congratulates me. "Mommmm, did you know that you are the greatest mom in the entire world" Noah says with puppy eyes. "What do you want Noah?" Karine asks him. "Can I go to la with y/n and her mom or her audition" he says. "You know what, Fine, go have fun you two" Karine says. We start screaming again and run up to Noah's room.

*thursday morning*

I wake up to the sound of my alarm going off. What time is it? 6:30 ughhhh why is it so earlyyyyyy I drag myself out of bed and get dressed. I take my suitcase out of my closet and head downstairs with my suitcase clomping down the stairs behind me. Mom is already up drinking some coffee. "Hey y/n you ready to pick up Noah?" Mom asks. "Yes but I'm sooo tired" I tell her. "Well you better get going cuz I have a surprise for you later" she tells me. "Okay I'm just going to get dressed. I put on some sweatpants and a hoodie that Noah gave me. I put my shoes and go downstairs. I shove my suitcase into the trunk and get into the car. We head over to Noah's house and collect Noah. He hugs me and says bye to his mom. We start our drive to the airport and stop on krispy kreme on the way. Me and Noah take the little hats and wear them on the car ride.

When we get to the airport we get our boarding passes and go through security. Finally we get on the flight. Noah and I are sitting next to each other while mom is a couple of rows ahead. Me and Noah watch the society because I downloaded it. (Go watch it rn it's so good) then I start to nod of and lean on Noah's shoulder. I fell asleep and I think Noah did too. I wake up with my head on Noah's lap and he's drooling. I laugh at him and wake him up since the plane landed. We grab our bags and find my mom.

After we get out of the airport we catch a taxi and go to the hotel. When we arrive I can't stop staring at it. It's massive with pillars and gold accents everywhere. When we go inside there's chandeliers bigger than me and Noah combined. We check in and go to our rooms. Me and Noah are sharing a room (omg while im writing this la devotee came on and we know who's in that music video;) ) I don't think the duffers know that we are dating because Noah hasn't told anyone except his friends and family. He didn't even tell the st cast even though they're his best friends. "No funny business you two okay?"My mom says to us as we enter our room. "Yes mom omg stop we will be fine" I tell her. "Okay you guys can order some room service if you are hungry" she tells us as she leaves to go to her room. "Bye mom see you later" I tell her. I shut the door. It's almost 8 o clock. Wow how did it get so late "woah y/n come over here they have a balcony" Noah calls over from two sliding doors. I go over to him and I look at the view. "The view is beautiful wow" I say.

We go inside and order some room service. We then go outside on the balcony and eat it there. We talk for what seems like ages until it gets too cold. We run inside and grab a blanket. We wrap it around and cuddle for a while. We both fall asleep gradually. I feel Noah move so I wake up. He's walking somewhere but I can't see because I'm too sleepy. "Where you going?" I ask him. "The bathroom" Noah says. "Kk" I say as my eyes close again. I feel him brushing my hair out of my eyes and cuddling next to me again.

I hear someone knocking at my door. Noah gets up and opens it. "Morning y/m/n" he says. I open my eyes and see my mom. "Morning" I tell her. "Cmon guys we gotta go soon so get dressed" she tells us and closes the door.
I take a shower and we go downstairs to get breakfast. We take a taxi to the address they sent us and we sign in. "so you must be y/n so glad to see you!" I hear a English accent say. I spin around and see the one and only Millie Bobby brown. Noah runs up to her and gives her a massive hug. "Hey schnipper" Millie says to Noah. Millie comes over to me and gives me a hug. I try to hug her back but I'm shaking to much. Probably because of the audition or maybe because THE Millie Bobby Brown just hugged me. "How are you?" She asks me. "Nervous i guess" I say while nervously laughing. " don't be you'll be fine, I saw your audition and you were amazing so you will have nothing to worry about" she tells me did Millie just compliment me oh my godhshhhhbghhggbhhgtfddvn we walk into a room with about 5 other girls. The are all sitting down but there eyes lock on Noah. I guess they Met Millie. One starts crying the others scream and rush over to him. "OMG NOAH I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" One girl screams. Ross comes out and says "hey noah,Millie can you come here for a second" they go in and Noah winks at me. All the girls stare at me. "Who are you?" One says. "I'm... I'm y/n" i tell them. "Do you know noah?" One of the others say. "Yes i do, we're pretty close actually" I say. One of them rolls her eyes and whispers to another. "She's obviously gonna get picked now". I gave her a dirty look and looked at the wall like I saw something interesting. "Are you guys like friends or something?" One says. I reply with "Uhhhh Yeah hes ctually my boy-" "y/n y/l/n?" A lady says. I stand up and go over into the room. I see the two duffer brothers, Noah, Millie and the lady who called me. She sat down next to the duffers. "Hi y/n I'm Carmen the casting director and you probably know everyone else. Here is a script we would like you to read out and really bring the emotion." She hands me a script and I take it. "Whenever you are ready" Carmen says. Well here goes nothing.....

A/n sup guys hope you liked this chapter we are getting more reads! Yayyyyy Ik I gtg to bed byeeeeee 😎🥺❤️😔💖😆

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