Chapter 23: home

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Y/n's pov
"Noah?"I whisper while looking around at everyone staring at me. Noah peeps out from behind finn. "You Okay y/n?" Noah asks me. "My head hurts" I say. "I think we should bring you back to the hotel now y/n" dad says. "Okay" I say. "I'll come too" Noah says. "Me too" Chloe says. "We'll come aswell" Millie said pointing to finn and Sadie. Just then Caleb, Gaten and the rest of the cast come in looking worried. "Oh my god y/n are you okay sweetie?" Winona says. "She's fine just a little shaken up, we're gonna head back to the hotel with a few others but keep doing the interviews." Mom says. Noah picks me up and the security guards brings us out another door away from the crowd. We all go out and sneak over to the limo. Me, Noah,Millie, Sadie, Finn, Chloe, my parents and all of the other guys parents head into the limo.

When we reach the hotel I walk upstairs with a couple others. We go into my room and Millie takes off my make up. I change into my pjs and climb into bed. "We're gonna go now y/n sweet dreams" Sadie says as her, Millie and finn walk out the door. "Night guys and thank you" I call to them. Noah walks over to the table where the Emmy is sitting. "Wow..... I still can't believe you won this!" He says. "It's really a dream come true" I say. "Speaking of dreams..... I think you should go to bed y/n/n, you've had a long day" Chloe suggests. "Okay well I should go to now, night y/n/n love you" Noah says as he walks over to me. "Wait!" I say "can you stay the night?" "Ehhh I don't know, we're not allowed in each others room" Noah says. "I think mom won't mind tonight, plus Chloe's here so it's fine" I say. "Okay Fine ima go grab my things in my room" Noah says. "Kk" I reply. "How many times have I told you not to say that?!" Noah says. I giggle. "I'm gonna go down to my parents for a while y/n I'll be back later" Chloe says. "Okay bye" I say.

A couple of minutes later Noah comes back and heads to the bathroom to get changed. He comes back out in he's pajama bottoms and get under to covers next to me. I turn of the light and cuddle closer to Noah. "Y/n?" Noah calls out. "Yeah?" I reply. "I'm really sorry for what happened in the emmys" Noah says. "What do you mean?" I say. Noah continues "I left you and I shouldn't have because I knew that you were nervous and I thought you went to be interviewed but you weren't and then when I found you lying on the floor I just felt so guilty and it was so stupid of me and I-" I put my hand over his mouth. "Noah, it's fine really I'm not mad." I reassure him. "Really?" "Yes really, now shut up I'm tired" I say. "Okay Fine but only if you're okay" Noah says. "Noahhhh Yes I'm Okay" I reply. He kisses me on the head and then we cuddle up and fall asleep.

My eyes flutter open. My heads resting on Noah's shoulder. I reach over to the nightstand and check my phone for the time. 11:38 am. Ughhh we slept in I see Chloe's bed made and her suitcases packed. "Noah" I whisper "nowahhhhh". "What?" He replies. "We gotta go" I tell him. He sits up and stretches. "Okay I'll go back to my room and pack and I'll come back later" "kk ima pack now aswell" I say. He walks out and I start packing. Once I'm finished I get dressed and straighten my hair. Noah comes in a while later and we head downstairs to see where everybody else is. We walk into the breakfast hall and see everyone at the table. "Finally you join us" Chloe says while everybody's laughs. We sit down in between Chloe and Caleb. We all get breakfast and then go upstairs.

Chloe and I walk in to our room. I put on my air Jordans and grab my suitcases. We walk down to the lobby to meet up with everyone else. No ones down there yet so I finally have time to check my phone. I go into Snapchat and see hundreds of texts. I go into Julia and she sent me an article and said "is it true?". I click in to the article and it says "stranger things star y/n y/l/n passes out at Emmy awards" I walk over to Chloe and show her. "Oh god" Chloe says. "Oh well" I say laughing. I scroll down a bit and see a photo of me lying on the red carpet. I start laughing "oh my god Chloe look!" She looks at it and bursts out laughing. "Omg I'm so sorry for laughing but- " Finally everyone comes down and we head in to the cars to the airport. Thankfully there wasn't as much paparazzi as last time.

When we reach the airport we all say our goodbyes. Most of us start crying because we know we aren't going to see each other for a while. Tears fall as I hug mills. I'm gonna miss them all so much I say goodbye to everyone else and we go our separate ways to the different gates. We have about an hour until we can board so Chloe Sadie and I walk around the stores. I get gum and then we all get some starbucks. We go back over to caleb, Noah and our families. Noah and I make a tiktok and post it. After a couple of minutes later our plane is called for boarding. I grab my bag and we get on. I have a seat next to noah thankfully or else the whole plane ride would've been boring. We go to our seats and I look out the window. The plane finally takes off. I lean my head on Noah's shoulder and drift of the sleep........

I wake up with a jolt as we land. I look over my shoulder and see Noah asleep. I punch his shoulder to wake him up and we get off. After going through security and getting our bags I check the time. 8:56 pm. We walk out of the airport and say goodbye to sadie and Caleb. Oh god I hate goodbyes my eyes fill up with tears but then we walk over to the parking lot and get into the car. Once we arrive into Noah and i's Neighbourhood. I hug Noah. "I'll see you tomorrow k?" He tells me. "Yep, I love you" I say to him. "I love you too" Noah says and then he kisses me. "Hey guys stop smooching and help Chloe get the bags out." Mom says. "Oh right, yeah" I say as I quickly jump out of the car. I get their bags and help them bring them into their house. "Bye!" I say as I walk out of the door.

We drive to back to our house and take the bags out of the trunk. Dad unlocks the door and I walk up to my room. I sigh "home."
A/n wassup ma dudes this was a filler so that's why it's shitty anyways byeeeee

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