Chapter 15: billie eilish

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Y/n's pov
If I hear that fucking alarm clock one more time I swear I'm- I slam the button on the alarm clock and look at the time 5:30 am. I volunteered to help set up the hall but I wish I didn't now because it's so earlyyyy. I put on some sweatpants and a shirt and walk downstairs and grab a banana before I walk out the door. Once I reach the school I see about 10 other students there all looking tired. I say hi and they all mumble hi back.
We walk into hall and start putting up the decorations. Two girls are setting up the tables while a boy and another girl sets up the dj. A couple of others are hanging up fairy lights while me and this other boy are blowing up balloons. "So.. you got a date?" I ask him. He looks up at me "Yeah, I'm going with my boyfriend". "Cool what's his name?" I say. "Alex, Hey your the girl that gonna be in stranger things aren't you?" He asks. "Yeah um I am actually" I tell him. "So can you give me any spoilers?" He says with a smile. "Ummm we all die for a start" i laugh. We both laugh and continue blowing up the balloons and talking. When we've finished I ask him for his snap. He gives it to me and we walk over to the rest who have finished. We do the final touches and we go outside and lock the school. I look at my phone. 7:38 am. "See you guys later" I say. "Bye y/n" Aaron says. He told me his name is Aaron by the way.

I walk back home and lie in my bed for a while. I drift off when I hear my mom knocking on my door. "Y/n, honey time to go to Julia's" mom shouts. "Okay" I say. I grab my dress bag, my makeup bag and a few other things. I run downstairs and put my stuff in the car. Mom drives me to Julia's. "Okay honey I hope you have the most amazing time alright!See you tonight" she tells me. "Bye mom love you" I say as I grab my things and walk to Julia's. I knock in the door and see Chloe through the window. She opens the door. "Y/N ARENT YOU SO EXCITED OMG WE ARE GETTING A LIMO AND HAVING DINNER AND DANCING AND LIKE EVERYTHING" Chloe screams in my face. "Ummm Yes im just tired I got up really early to set up the hall." I say to her. "Well cmonnnn" She says as she pulls me in. We go to Julia's room and I throw my stuff on the bed. I give Julia a hug and we head to chipotle. We get breakfast burritos and eat them while talking bout homecoming. Once we get home we lie around and watch random tiktoks and old Disney channel movies like princess protection program and ✨radio rebel✨ finally it was time to get ready.

We took turns having showers and drying our hair. Then we do our makeup. Julia puts my hair into a half up half down and curls the ends. I help Chloe with her hairstyle and she helps Jules. Finally we put in our dresses. Chlo and Jules looks stunning as usual and I finally put mine on. I go into the bathroom to get changed and I put on my dress. I look in the mirror damnnnn I don't look that bad for once i say to myself. I walk out to show Chloe and Julia. "woah" julia says. "Wow y/n I-" Chloe says. "You really like it?" I say as I walk to the full length mirror in Julia's room.

"Yesssss" they both say at the same time

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"Yesssss" they both say at the same time. We start laughing and go downstairs. We wait till the limo pulls up. I hear a car so look outside and see Sam, Julia's date, Ava and her date and Jenna with hers, I then see Noah come out of the limo to knock on the door. We hide so he can't see us and wait till he knocks."oh shit my shoes" I say and I run upstairs. I hear him knocking so Julia opens the door "hey noahhh, your stupid girlfriend forgot to put on her shoes so went upstairs to get them" Julia says. He laughs" Hey don't call her stupid, only I call her that" I run downstairs and into the hallway. My shoe kinda falls of a bit so I look down and when I look back up I see Noah's jaw dropped. "WhAt?" I say. "You... you look... you- I- wow" He stutters out. "You look wow too noah" I say as I walk up and kiss him. Mannnn he's too hot for this world. "You do look really beautiful though" he says too me. "Why Thank you mr Schnapp" I say as I link arms with him and walk out the door. Everyone gets out and we do a couple of photos. We get in the limo and ride to dinner.

After dinner we head to the school. I walk into the hall hand in hand with Noah, and we look around. The lights are shimmering around the room with balloons and streamers coming down from the roof. The dj is playing music and the lights are changing colors. The whole group walks in and we start dancing.

After hours and hours of singing, dancing, eating and talking the dj announces "ok folks for all the couples out there this is... the last dance" he says while he starts playing "perfect" by Ed sheeran. Noah grabs my hand. "Cmon this is our time to shine" he tells me. We walk out to the middle of the dance floor and he puts his hands on my waist while i put mine on his shoulders. We dance for a while until Noah stares into my eyes. "What?" I ask . "Oh nothing I was just looking at how beautiful you are" He says. I smile at him and kiss him. The kiss lasts about 10 seconds and then I hug him. We continue dancing until the song ends while my head is on his shoulder. Finally the dance ends and we walk outside. Karine is dropping me home so I get in the back with joy while Chloe sits in the front. We talk about homecoming and stuff while I look out the window. I find myself drifting off.......

Noah's pov

Moms talking about the decorations when she asks y/n how long it took to put them up. There's no reply. I look over and see her sleeping awwww she's so cute when she sleeps "I thinks she's asleep mom" I say. "Well I would hate to wake her up, she was probably up really early, I'll text y/m/n and say that y/n is staying the night." Mom says. "Yay" I say. We continue to drive home.
When we get there Chloe and mom goes up to the door and unlocks it. I go around to the side y/n's on and pick her up. I bring her upstairs into my room and lay her on the bed. Woah how is she such a deep sleeper. I head downstairs and say night to my mom and Chlo and then I head upstairs. I take off y/n's dress because I don't want her to wrinkle it. I undo the ribbons and slip it off. I walk over to my closet and get out a hoodie for decency. I put it on her and push her slightly over so I can fit in the bed. I put the duvet on top of her and I take off my suit and hop into the bed.

I stare at her and look at how gorgeous she is. I know that sounds really creepy but she really is beautiful. I see her eyes flicker open. "I love you" She says. My heart melts that's the first time that she has ever said I love you. "I love you too" I tell her and we both fall asleep.

Y/n's pov
I wake up to see a cute little Noah sleeping next to me with his bed hair. Wait this isn't my house. I tap Noah on the shoulder, he rolls around to face me "how did I get here?" I ask him. "You fell asleep in the car and we didn't want to wake you so we told your mom that you were staying the night." "Oh, wait how did I get in this" I say pointing to the hoodie. "I put it on you" He says wait a damn minuteeeee Noah saw me half naked?! Um Chile anyways- "kk" I say calmly even tho I'm screaming in my head. "Do you remember anything after the car?" Noah asks me. I think really hard. "Uhhhhh I remember us talking about a Billie Eilish song" I say. "Wait what?!" Noah says. "Yeah, I love you by Billie Eilish" I tell him. "Ummm no you told me that you loved me" he says while laughing. I start laughing "omg that's why I said I love you, I really do love you though Noah". "I really do love you to y/n" Noah says as he comes closer and kisses me.

Sup brosssss well i love this chapter and it's my new fav hope you liked it byeeee 🥵💗💖💗😊💅

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