Chapter 25: :(

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(DISCLAIMER: instead of it being the last day of school it's the last week off school because i forgot ahaha)
(Okay play the song now)
Y/n's pov

I run home with tears streaming all over my face. I probably look like a manic but I don't care anymore. I don't care about anything anymore. I fumble opening the door and run in. I go up the stairs and close my door. I lock it and start sobbing. I lay on my bed and let it all out. How could he do this? I thought he loved me. I- I just don't know. What did I do wrong? Was I not good enough for him? I tried to me there for him. Why does he have to be-
I sit up and look at my dresser. I storm over with mascara running down my face. I look at all the framed photos of Noah. I looked so happy then. Did he really care about me then? I pick up one of me and him on prom night. He was holding me in his arms. I throw it in the floor. The glass shatters all over the floor but I really don't give two fucks. I throw the remaining ones on the floor. The glass is all over my floor. I rip of all of the photos on my wall of us. I tear them to shreds. I pull my stranger things poster of my wall aswell.I cant stand looking at his face. I go over to my closet and take out all of the hoodies Noah has given to me I throw them on the floor and stamp on them. I break down and fall to my knees. I sit on the floor on top of the hoodies and look around. My room is covered in glass and ripped up photos. I start sobbing uncontrollably. I pick up my necklace of my neck and fidget with it like I usually do when I'm stressed. My necklace- I take it off and stand up. Just then I hear my mom banging at the door and yelling. I chuck the necklace at the bin. I curl up in a ball and just cry.

Mom continues to knock on the door until dad finally comes up and knocks on it. I get up and struggle to move between all the ruble. I walk over to the door and unlock. "Y/n what is happening in there?" Mom shouts. I open the door slowly. I fall into moms arms and start sobbing. Mom brings me into the room and closes the door. She sits me down on the bed. "What- What is it y/n, what happened" mom asks me. "N- Noah....." I stutter out through sobs. "What happened, what did he do y/n?" Mom says. "BECCA" I shout while I break down again. Mom looks completely speechless. Like she doesn't know what to say. She just hugs me.

After a while of finally explaining what happened, I calm down a bit. Mom goes downstairs to tell dad and then comes up and cleans up the glass. "I'm gonna leave those their y/n, Okay?" She says pointing to the hoodies. "NO, take them out, eh please" I say. She takes them out and comes back with some candy. She hands it to me and puts me into bed. She shuts the door and I just lie there. I roll over and look at my phone. I see hundreds of texts from Noah and a lot of missed calls.I change my wallpaper and I slam my phone down and start crying. I can't take it. Everything was so great. Why did noah have to fuck it all up? I shrivel up into a ball and cry some more.

Noah's pov

I hear a honk and turn around to see what it was. The car moves and I see y/n standing there watching me and Becca. She murmurs something and sprints away. "Shit" I say and run towards her. "Wait!" Becca says as she grabs me by the arm"baby please, stay". "Get off me" i say "I should've never been with you". I continue running but y/n's disappeared. I walk home crying. I should've never been with Becca. WHY AM I SO FUCKING DUMB?! JESUS CHRIST NOAH YOU RUINED EVERYTHING. I don't even know what happened. Becca, she texted me to meet her by the store at seven. I said yes and she just- started kissing me. I thought she wanted to talk about the English project we got assigned together for. I should've stopped kissing her. But it- it just felt right. Why did I have to keep kissing her? I just broke my favorite person in the world and it's all my fault..... i I start texting and calling her she's not gonna answer i think to myself. I walk past y/n's house. Should I-? I run up to the front door. I knock quickly. Someone comes up and opens the door. It's y/m/n. She frowns "Noah you have a lot of explaining to do" she says. "I know that's why-" I try to say but y/n's dad cuts me off. "Noah just go home" he says. "WAIT!" I say but it's too late. They shut the door so I run down the sidewalk. I get home and go up to my room. I start crying some more. Chloe walks in the door. "Hahaha Noah why the fuck you crying you baby" she says. "I- I think I just cheated on y/n. And she saw me" noah says. "NOAH WHAT- YOU DID WHAT? HOW COULD YOU DO THAT" Chloe screams at me. "I don't know I thought Becca wanted to do our project but she kissed me and I- I didn't pull away." I tell her. "NOAH I HATE YOU WHY- Y/NS MY BEST FRIEND AND YOUR GIRLFRIEND, YOU PEICE OF SHIT" she walks out of my room and slams the door.

Y/n's pov
I hear the doorbell ring. Then I hear mom and dad talking. The door shuts. I climb out of bed and peek out the window. It's Noah. I see him walk off. He looks like he's wiping his eyes.

*the next morning*

Y/n's pov

Mom let me stay home from school today. I couldn't bear face Noah, or chloe.

Noah's pov

I don't think Chloe told mom about the whole thing yet so she makes us go to school. We walk past y/ns house. "I don't think she's gonna walk with us for a while" Chloe says. That's the first thing she has said to me since last night. We walk to school. Once we get inside I go to my locker. Julia comes up to me. "Hey noah! Where's y/n/n at?" She asks me. "She's um- she's sick" I reply "I gotta go to class see ya" I say as I walk off quickly. I go into the bathroom and look in the mirror. What have I done.... I think to myself as a tear rolls down my cheek.

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