Chapter 32: shut up

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Y/n's pov

After dinner I leave the schnapps house. I walk home and see my moms car in the driveway. I walk up to the door and open it. "Hey mom, dad" I'm home." I say. I can see them sitting on the couch. They both wip their heads around and mom jumps up and runs over to me. She hugs me tightly. "Oh thank god your Okay" She says. "Why wouldn't I be?" I ask her. "Karine told us everything, y/n" dad says. He walks over and mom lets go of me so dad can hug me. "I'm fine" I say. "How's Noah doing?" Dad asks me. "Fine, well I mean beside the cuts and bruises" i reply. "Oh my god the poor kid" mom says. "I'm gonna go water the plants I'll be back" dad says as he walk out of the house. "Uh okay?" I say to mom. "Did... you two make up?" Mom asks me. I sigh "yeah we did, turns out Becca kissed him and he thought they were gonna work on their English project". "Oh that's great honey" mom says "have they found Aaron yet?". "Well I texted Alex and he hasn't heard from him and I don't think the police did either" I tell her. "It's horrible what he did to noah" she says sadly. "Yeah...." I say. "Y/n you okay?" My mom asks me calmly. "No" I say.

My lips start quivering. I keep getting flashbacks from what happened. Noah looked so helpless and.... hurt. I should've done something i fall into moms arms and just break down. "Oh y/n it's okay, we're gonna find him and he'll get what he deserves." She assures me. We stand there hugging for a while until dad comes back in and joins in. "I'm gonna head to bed now, night" I say and head upstairs.

The next morning mom wakes me up. "Cmon y/n you gotta go in for your last day of school" she says. I groan and turn over. "Noooo" I say. "Yes, cmon your not gonna get any homework and it'll be fun" Mom says. "Ugh Fine" I say angrily and sit up. Mom goes out of my room and I text noah.

Are you coming into school today?
Yeah moms making me smh
Same ughhh, see u there?
Ofc ❤️

I get up and search to my wardrobe I put on this:

I get up and search to my wardrobe I put on this:

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I go downstairs and grab an apple. "MOM IM LEAVING" I shouts "OKAY SEE YOU LATER" she says. I grab my bag and phone and head outside. I see Noah and Chloe walking up my driveway. I jog down to them. "I'm so done with school right now" Chloe says. "Same" me and Noah say together. "JINX" we both say and start laughing. We continue to walk to school talking but not bringing up the past week. Finally we reach school. Immediately everyone's heads turn and face Noah, Chloe and I. "Shit" Noah whispers. "You think they know?" Chloe asks. "About what?" I say. "I don't know, like both of the things" Chloe says to me. "Let's just get out of here" Noah says as he grabs Chloe and I's hands. We run down the hallway into the library. "Jesus, they know everything don't they?" Noah says. "I have no clue" I reply. I look around and see a girl sitting at a table. I go up to her and ask her; "hey um do you know what happened this week?". She replies ; "oh yeah well there was this massive fight between two boys and one of them got beaten up badlyyyy and apparently that boys girlfriend got choked" she replies. "Choked?" I ask cautiously. "Yeah, but no one knows how he fight started" she tells me. "Do you know how the boys were?" I ask her. "Oh yeah it was that Aaron kid and Noah Schn-" she spots Noah behind me listening to her. "Okay well thank you so much bye" I tell her and we all quickly walk out of the library. "Let's just go to class" Noah suggests. "Okay see you later" i say and we all go our separate ways.

At lunch we meet up with everyone else. Alex looks shaken up, so does Ava and Jules. We all sit in silence eating. We all get up and go to class. A few hours later school ends. Noah and I decide to go to the beach to clear our minds. We walk along the beach in silence. People stare at Noah, who of course, still has bruises on his face, well everywhere. "Do you think that they'll find him?" I say, breaking the silence. "I don't know, can we just not talk about this right now" noah says, kinda sounding annoyed. "Oh, okay" I say. We continue walking along until we get to the end of the beach. We kinda just stand there awkwardly staring at the sand. "Um" I say. "Um what?" Noah snaps back at me. I look up at him. "What's your problem?" I ask him. "Nothing" He says. "Well there's obviously something-" I say but Noah cuts me off. "Just shut up y/n" he says. "Wha- why I didn't even say anything" I tell him. He looks at me and sighs "All you ever talk about is the whole thing that happened I just don't wanna talk about it every 5 seconds." "Noah I didn't even mention it I just said "um" and you told me to shut up." I say angrily. "Yeah so shut up, Jesus your so annoying sometimes" he says. I feel my eyes watering. "If I should shut up then why should I even be here?" I say as I start walking away. "Y/n..." Noah starts. "Y/n what?!" I snap back "one minute you want me back and next your telling me to shut up and that I'm annoying!" "Look, I'm sorry" Noah says. "Whatever..." I say as I turn back around and continue walking.


I get off the beach and start walking home. Since Noah obviously isn't gonna drive me. What did I even do?! He wouldn't even talk to me and now he's telling me to shut up. I seriously can't sometimes with this boy.
My house is a good while away from the beach.
The sun starts going down as I walk. By the time in a couple of blocks away from my neighborhood the sun is almost gone down. I start to feel a bit cold even though it's july. I'm walking by a quiet neighborhood when I see a boy coming towards me. He walks past me but bumps into me and continues walking without saying a thing. "Hey what the hell?" I say. He turns around and my anger turns into fear. It's Aaron. He gives me a dirty look. "What? Your scared of me now? WHY IS EVERYONE FUCKING SCARED OF ME NOW" he shouts. "A- Aaron you should go home" I stutter out. "Why? Its not like parents are gonna fucking want me now" he says to me. He comes closer to me and I step back. I can smell the alcohol off him."Awww you have no Prince Charming to save you now do you?" He spits out at me. "Aaron, just go home I'm sure your parents understand, t-they can help you" I tell him. "Help me with what? You're speaking bullshit y/n" He asks me. "I- I don't know but they miss you, so does Alex" i say. I can feel my heart racing. "I don't give a fuck about them, or Alex" he says "you know y/n, I never really liked Alex, you know? He annoyed me too much. Too weak. But there is someone I do like." "Who?" I ask quickly. "You" He says as he pushes me up to the side of a building and kisses me. "GET OFF OF ME" I shout at him.

"Nah, I know you want me y/n, Noah has nothing on me, hah he can't even beat me in a fight" Aaron says while laughing. He smashes his lips back onto mine and grabs my waist. "STOP AARON GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME" I shout. I push him off me. He stares at me with this like.. evil glint in his eye. He slaps me on the face. Hard. I fall to the ground. "BITCH STAND UP" he screams at me. I fumble up and step back from him. "Aaron- your just drunk" I say. My hand are trembling. I need Noah but right now he hates me. "Hah, y/n drunk words are sober thoughts you should know that" Aaron says "I've always liked you, since I met you in fact. I'm not gay I'm bi, see, you never even listen to me. You were too busy listening to that idiot Noah. Well where's he now? I don't see him. Can you y/n? I CANT FUCKING SEE HIM" Aaron says. Tears start streaming down my face. He pushes me back up against the wall. "If you ever tell anyone about this I will fucking kill you, ya got that?" He tells me. I nod. "Good" He says as he lets go of me. He pushes me and I fall down onto my knees. He continues to stare at me and lifts my chin up. "Oh y/n.... y/n y/n y/n. I've always wanted to fuck you but im afraid we've ran out of time, goodbye" he says to me as he runs off. I burst out crying and just sit there with my hands covering my face. I get up and run. I just run. I have no idea where to go. I can't face Mom and dad right now. There's too much going on. Noah hates me, for no reason at all. Noah...

Suddenly I bang into someone else. I fall again to the floor. I look up. Noah.

Hey guyssss massive trigger warning. I'm so sorry if anyone had to go through this. And if anyone wants me to delete that part just tell me and I'll do it. I'm so sorry if that part upsets you. Anyways enjoy xox

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