Chapter 7: after the after party

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Y/n's pov
I walk out of the auditorium with mom and dad and we go over to the parking lot and get in the car. Dad hands me a blindfold,"Hey, y/n put this over your eyes and NO PEAKING ok?'. "Yes dad I know" I say as I put it over my eyes. I can't see a thing. I hear the car moving but I don't know where we are going. After about 5 minutes I feel the car stop. "Can I take it of now?" I ask. "No we have to wait a couple more minutes" mom says. A couple of minutes later I hear a car pull up next to us. "You can take it off now" I hear my mom say. I rip of the blindfold and see Noah and Chloe in the other car blindfolded.

I get out of the car and look at what's in front of me. We are at Noah's house. Noah and Chloe get out of the car. "Why did you have to blindfold us to go home mom?" Chloe asks. "Let's go inside" Noah's dad tells all of us. Me Noah and Chloe walk at the front of them and push open the door. The lights are all off. Suddenly the lights turn on and a bunch of people jump up and shout, "SURPRISE!!!!!" What the fuck is this..... "we threw a party for your amazing acting skills do u like it?" Mom says. I look around, a lot of people from our school are there with balloons surrounding them and a lot of speakers blasting party songs. "YESSS" Chloe, Noah and I say in union. We go over to some of Noah and Chloe's friends and start dancing to shake it off by Taylor Swift.

After a couple hours of singing and dancing and having fun, people start leaving. Our moms and dads go into the dining room while we go up to Chloe's room.Finally there's just noah, Chloe, Julia, Ava, Ben, Becca,me and a couple other people. "What should we do?" Ava asks. "Ummmm I don't know we could play a game I guess" Julia says. "What about truth or dare?" Chloe says. "Nooooo that's boring" Becca says "I say we should play seven minutes in heaven." "Oooooo juicy we should definitely play" Ben says. "Ok I'll get a bottle hold on" Noah says.

He comes back into the room with an empty coke bottle and places it on the floor. He spins it and it lands on Julia. "Omg why me firstttt" she says. Julia spins the bottle and it slows to a stop on Ben. Ava looks a bit jealous but we all knew that Ben and Ava like each other so Ben and Julia wouldn't do anything. Lily (Becca's best friend) get her phone and starts the timer. "Ok off you go children, remember not to have too much fun" lily says.

7 minutes pass and they come out. I don't think they have done anything because we couldn't hear anything so Ava smiles when they come back out. "Ben you spin the bottle it's your turn." Chloe tells him. "Ya I know Chloe I'm not that thick ahahha" Ben says. He spins it and it lands on Chloe. She spins it and it lands on Sam (he's fake I just made him up) "ooooooOooo" we all say because Chloe and Sam are dating (SHE DOESNT ACCTUALLY HAVE A BF DONT COME AT ME) they both smile and walk into the closet hand and hand. "I totally ship" Ava says and we all start laughing.

They come out 7 minutes later and they look out of breath. Me Noah and Julia start laughing so much our hips hurt. "What?" Sam says. "It's not like we were gonna sit down and play a game of cards. Sam sits back down and spins the bottle. It slows down gradually and lands on... me. "Oh great" I say. Sam hands me the bottle and a spin it. Please not Noah, please not Noah please not Noah please no- it slows down and lands on..... Noah.

Well shit I say in my head. I look at him awkwardly and he looks at me. Becca gives me the dirtiest look I have ever seen. I pretend I didnt see it and walk over to the closet. "Noah are you going over there or not?" Chloe says. "Oh, right yeah." He says. He walks over to me and we both get in the closet. I hear lily say something and they all laugh. "Sooooo" Noah says. "Sooooo" I says back. We both stare at the floor until what feels like forever and I say something. "Noah can I tell you something?". "Yeah sure what is it?" He says. "Well ummmm... you see I kinda...... well I kinda I umm I-" I try to spit it out but I can't just say it y/n it's not that fucking hard. Just say I HAVE LIKED YOU FOR AGES.

Noah's pov

Y/n is trying to say something but I really wanna tell her I like her. For the first time ever I want her to shut up. Only because I wanna kiss her.

Y/n's pov

"What is it y/n. You can tell me" Noah asks me.
"Ughhh well fuck this I'm just gonna say it.... ihavelikedyousincewewereinseventhgradeandithinkyouarethemoatamazingpersonontheplanetand sometimesicryatnightbecauseiwannabewithyousobad there I said it." I say. "Y/n?" Noah asks me. "Yes?" Oh shit oh fuck holy shit help me omg OMG OMGGGGG he comes closer, our faces are almost touching. He whispers into my ear, "I have always liked you too" He then stares into my eyes and pulls me closer. He kisses me and I kiss back. Gradually the kiss gets longer and longer until he pushes me up to the closet wall. Then we start making out until we hear a loud knock. We jump back from each other so fast. "Uhhhhh guys, your time is up" Julia says. "Ummm ok two secs" Noah shouts. We come out holding hands and sit down next to each other. Everyone starts staring into our eyes. "Is something wrong?" I ask acting all innocent. "Oh sorry we thought you were killing each other because we heard a loud bang" Becca says while looking dead straight into my eyes. "Oh that was just umm a a-" Noah says. "A What Noah?" Chloe says. "It was me, I tripped over a pile of clothes and face planted into the wall that's it." I say quickly without thinking. "Yeah sureee" Ben says.

Finally everyone has gone home except me. We were watching a movie in the living room until we fell asleep. We woke up to a door opening. "Hey y/n do you wanna spend the night?" I hear karine say. "Um if that's ok sure." I say. We all get up. "Wanna sleep in my room?" Noah asks me. "Okay" I say. I'm too sleepy to say anything else so I drag one of the blankets to his room. Chloe fell back asleep on the couch so we left her there. We get into his room and I flop onto the bed. Noah shuts the door. "Hey do you mind if I take of my shirt I never sleep with it on. "Yeah, yeah" I say while falling back to sleep. "Hey y/n wake up your taking up all of the bed so shove over" Noah says. "Noooooooo" I complain. "Fine, I guess I have to move you." Noah says.

He picks me up and moves me over. I start screaming as he walks around the bed. "Shut up y/n you are gonna wake everyone up!" Noah says. He drops me on the bed and I curl up in a ball with the blanket I dragged in from the living room. Noah walks over to the other side and gets under the sheets he lifts them up and puts them on top of me too. He curls up next to me and we are facing each other. "Damn you are so cute when you sleep" he says to himself even though I hear him. I open my eyes a tiny bit and smile at him. "What?, it's true" he tells me. I shove over closer to him and kiss him gently. His lips are so soft omg he pulls away and puts his arms around me. He kissed me more but this time more passionate. He then gives me a hickey. "Noah my parents are gonna kill me" I say. "It's fine you can use some of Chloe's make up tomorrow" he tells me. "Kk" I say with a smile. I lay my head in his chest while he wraps his arms around me so tight. "I'll never let anyone hurt you I promise" he whispers into my ear as we fall asleep.
Awwwwww cute this chapter was so fun to write ahahah anyway I hope u liked it I'll update it soon see you later you beautiful pieces of shits just kidding bye schnippers 😍🥵💖❤️🤭 btw I'm waiting for a few more reads till I update it again peace out

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