Chapter 26: i cant

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Y/n's pov
I wake up with a pounding headache. What time is it? I look over by my bed table and grab my phone. I turn it on why is my background change- oh it says 2:29am. I sit up and go to the bathroom. I look in the mirror. My eyes are all puffy and red. Ewww I think to myself. I wash my face and walk back over to my bed. Suddenly I feel something sharp go into my foot. "Shit!" I whisper. I limp over to my bed and look at my foot. A shard of glass from the frames was in my foot. I pull it out and blood starts dripping. "Oh my god" I say as I hop over to the bathroom to get a tissue. I wipe my foot and climb into bed.

I toss and turn for a while but I still can't fall asleep. Everything that has happened in the past two days has been racing through my mind. I feel my tears welling up. No y/n don't cry, it's not ur fault. You need to get over him I can't help it and tears start dripping down my face. I can't get over him. He's my best- was my best friend for 16 years. he helped me with so much and now it's all ruined. Does Chloe know? I drift off slowly crying.....

"Y/n! Cmon sweetie you gotta get up" I hear my mom shout. "What?" I say. She comes in and sits on my bed "Y/n I know that it's difficult but you have to go to school you can't just ignore the problem." Mom tells me. "I know that..." I reply. "Well good! We gotta get you to school" she says. "But mommmm" I complain
"Hey if it gets too tough I'll pick you up Okay?" She suggests. "Wait- What about Chloe?" I say. I can't stand looking at anyone associated with Noah. What if she knew bout Becca? Why wouldn't she tell me. She's my best friend. "Then just stick with Julia or someone for a while, you'll be fine" mom says as she walks out the room. I sigh and put on some jeans and a jumper. I go into the bathroom We walk. My eyes are still red but i don't care. I go downstairs and grab my bag. Dad's already at work and mom is making some cereal. "You want some?" She asks me. "No thanks I'm not hungry, I'm gonna go now" I tell her as I walk to the door. "Call me if you need anything k?" She says. "K" I reply.

I walk down the sidewalk past the rest over the neighborhood. I forgot something but I can't remember what it is. I go a couple of blocks and get to school. I open the door and start to walk to my locker. I can't help but feel like there's hundreds of eyes burning into my back. I turn around and see everyone staring at me. Noah didn't tell anyone did he.... I continue walking faster over to my locker. I get there and open my locker. I get out my books and close it. Just then Chloe pops out from the door. "Jesus" I say scared. "Hey.." She says. "I- hi" I stutter out. This is killing me. "Look y/n I just wanna say that I'm-" Chloe starts. "Um I gotta go bye" I say quickly as I walk away. "y/n Wait!" I hear Chloe say in the distance. I head over to Julia's locker to see if she's there. Sure enough she's there. I breath a sigh of relief and walk over to her.

"Hey y/n!" She says "you ok?". "Yes. Well..... no...." I tell her. "You wanna talk about it?" She asks me. "Ummm Okay" we walk towards to field while I explain what happened. We reach the field and walk up to the bleachers. "Wow..... I can't believe he did that" Julia says as we sit down. "I know and now I don't know what to do..." I tell her. "Well I mean have you talked to him since?" She asks me. "No, even if I tried to I would break down since everything I see that reminds me of him makes me cry. I even walked away from Chlo because I couldn't face her" I tell her. "He's such a dickhead" Julia says. "Tell me about it.." I say. Just then the bell rings for the 5 minute bell. I finally remember the thing I forgot. I have English. I sit next to noah in English. "Julia I- I sit next to him" I tell her. "It's fine just ask to move seats." Julia tells me. "I can't I have ms.dun" i explain. Ms.Dun is the meanest teacher in the school. She will give you detention for forgetting you pencil. There's no way she'll let me swap seats. Last year when someone asked she sent them to the principal and put "terrible discipline" on their permanent record. "Oh shit. I have no idea what your gonna do" Julia says. "I don't know either." I tell her. "We gotta get to class. Good luck y/n I'll meet you after class" Jules says. "Okay Bye" I say as I hurry quickly to English.

I open the door and look at the desk. Thankfully she isn't there yet but someone else is.... I walk over to our desk. Noah's there looking down at the table fidgeting with his pencil. I slowly sit down and scoot my chair away. Wow I'm acting like a second grader I say to myself. My breathing gets shaky. Noah's leg keeps bouncing up and down. Keep it together y/n I feel Noah staring at me. I keep my head down. "Y/n I-" Noah starts but just then ms.dun bursts into the door. "Right, today we are starting our projects on your favorite books. You will be working with your table partner and that's final. You can start now" I take out my books and start the project myself. Noah just looks at me and then takes his books out. I start writing my half. Thankfully we decided on what we were going to do before the whole.... thing. I have almost finished the first paragraph when I hear ms.dun say "y/n and Noah I see no communication skills happening right now tAlk to each other about what you are doing"

I look up the slightly at noah. We sit there awkwardly not talking. Finally the silence breaks "Y/n your gonna have to talk to me at some point" Noah quickly says. "Why would I want to talk to you ever again?" I whisper angrily. Noah looks hurt and slightly angry. "Because... we gotta do the project" he replies. "That's all you wanna talk about?" I say getting more angry "how about the fact that you cheated on me with my worst enemy even though we've know each other for all our lives and have been dating for seven months?" "I didn't cheat on you" Noah mumbles. "Oh no of course you didn't, because Becca just hypnotized you to make out with her" I say sarcastically. "YES well no- I don't know" he says. "Forget it noah, I'm done and we're done" I say with tears forming in my eyes. I'm not gonna cry now I'm not gonna cry now I'm not gonna cry now I'm not gonna cry now Noah's eyes start tearing up aswell. "I can't do this anymore" I say as I stand up. I grab my stuff and run out the door. Tears fall down my cheeks. "Y/N WAIT" Noah says as he gets up and runs after me. "YOU TWO GET BACK IN HERE" ms.dun shouts. I run down the hallway but Noah catches me.

He grabs me by the shoulder. "Please...." He says. Tears are streaming out his eyes. I stare into them. "I- I just I can't right now" I say as I continue down the hallway. Noah's just stays standing there. I run into the girls bathroom and burst out crying. I call my mom to pick me up and sit on the toilet, crying until she comes.

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