Chapter 35: the view and you

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(You can play the song whenever you feels right)

Y/n's pov
We stand there for a while, hugging each other looking at he amazing view. Noah goes back to his room and we all unpack. I hear my phone beep from across the room. I go over to it and pick it up.

Hey sweetheart, we're going down for dinner now can you head down to restaurant with Noah and Chloe in 5 minutes? X
Y/n (A/n I'm gonna do texts like this now because it gets all messed up in different fonts lmao)
Okay mom see you soon x

I knock on Noah's door and open it. I peep my head around and see Noah lying on his bed on his phone. "Hey we're getting dinner now you coming?" I ask him. "Okay babe" he says as he gets up and grabs his shoes from the corner of his room. I sit on his bed waiting for him to put them on. When he gets up I jump up and we go through his door. We see Chloe standing outside and we follow her down to the elevator. We head to the lobby and see the sign to the restaurant. We walk over and I can see our parents. "There over there" I say as I point through the glass door. I open the door and we all walk through to our parents. A waitress comes over and she gives us a table. We sit down. I'm squashed between Chloe and Noah. We order our food and wait a couple of minutes. I see the waitress coming over to us with trays of food. She hands us our orders and the food looks delicious. After gobbling down our food, Noah and I order a sundae to share while everyone else gets brownies. After a lot of talking, and eating I check my phone, it's almost 11. We finally leave the restaurant and go our separate ways. Chloe and I run up to our room. We get ready for bed and chill in our beds. We turn on netflix and watch a Christmas movie. Gradually I hear Chloe's heavy breathing near me. I sigh and turn off the tv and lights.

I toss and turn for a while. Somehow I can't sleep. It might be the fact that I'm in New York with my favorite people in the world but also it's too warm. Where's the light? Ughhh I sit up and stare into space. I look at the shadows of the tv in front of me and the light escaping from the sides of the curtains.

I see my phone light up on the table next to me. I roll over and pick it up.

Is Chloe asleep yet?
Good. Now put on warm clothes
What y
Just becauseeee and meet me in my room

I slowly put my phone down and creep over to my suitcase. I pull out some leggings and one of Noah's hoodies. I quietly change and I grab my beanie and my phone. The screen lights up and it says 1:34 am. Jesus why does noah wanna see me so late? I tiptoe over to the door into Noah's room. I open it carefully and creep in. I shut it behind me and turn to see the light all off. Suddenly I feel someone tap my shoulder and I swing around. I see Noah staring at me, with a grin on his face. "What?" I say. "Cmon I wanna take you somewhere" Noah explains. "Um Noah it's 1:30 in the morning" I say. "So? I couldn't sleep and I know you couldn't cuz I could hear you rolling around." He says. "Fine" I agree and he takes me hand. "But first" Noah says as he pulls me closer and kisses me. "Okay were good now" he says as he pulls away.

He guides me to the door and we open it slowly. We creep out into the hallway and run to the elevator. I press the button and it arrives. We get in and the door closes. Suddenly we burst out laughing. "I can't believe we're doing this" I say through bursts of laughter. "What? It's just two 17 year old teenagers running around in New York were fine" Noah says sarcastically. I laugh. "Where are we actually going?" I ask him. "Well if I tell you it wouldn't be a surprise" he says, grinning. "Ugh your so annoying" I say. "Yeah? Well your more annoyinger" Noah says. I look at him confused. "Is that even a word?" I say. "I don't know" he says looking as confused as I am. The elevator stops and Noah gets out. He puts his hand out. "Ma lady" he says. I laugh and take his hand. "Why thank you kind sir" I say in a posh accent. We walk over to the door hand in hand. I look around to see the lady sitting behind a desk grinning. She gives me two thumbs up and I smile at her.

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