Chapter 6: will the shoe fit?

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A/n ok this chapter is going to be veryyyyyy long so just saying but I hope you like it!
Y/n's pov
The last 2 months have been a whirlwind of practice and homework and... Noah. We hang out almost everyday and I have grown closer to some of his other friends to like Julia and Jenna.
We also rehearse 3 times a week for an hour and a half each rehearsal so I don't get home until like 6 but other than that the rehearsals are going really well.

Tomorrow's the show and I'm really nervous. I mean I know all my lines but there is one part that I'm really scared to do. Me and Noah have to...... KISS. We only got told after we ran through the script and we haven't even practiced the kiss, but every time I think about it i feel sick. What if Noah thinks I'm a horrible kisser. But what if he likes it omg. What if he wants to kiss me again??! Ms.bells said not to worry about it that much built I'm freaking out! Everyone's gonna see us kiss, becca, Chloe, Noah's parents, MY PARENTS holy shit they're gonna see my kiss Noah! Everyone's gonna see ME kiss the NOAH SCHNAPP.

Noah hasn't really said anything about it but every time we get to that scene we both start blushing even though we don't actually kiss in rehearsals. Well tomorrow at 7:00pm I'm going to be on stage with Noah Schnapp and kissing him. Oh fuckkkk...

It's 11pm right now, the day before and dad said to get an early sleep but I can't. I have just been sitting here watching Noah's YouTube videos and tiktoks over and over again. I always cringe when he talks about his first kiss. I wish that it was me.. I think to myself. I had my first kiss in eight grade in a stupid game of spin the bottle at camp but it didn't even mean anything, oh well...

I wake up to the sound of my mom calling me. I guess i fell asleep while watching Noah's videos. I get up and change into the shirt that the production of Cinderella gave us and some mom jeans. Thankfully we are rehearsing all day so I don't need to do any work or homework so I don't bring my backpack. I head downstairs and put some bread in the toaster. "We need to pick up Chloe and Noah and bring them to school too because karine and mitchell are doing some business with Noah's agent is that ok?" My mom asks. "Of course that's fine, could we get Starbucks on the way pleaseeee" I say with a pouty face. "Fine, but ONLY because today is the show" she replies. "Yes, thank you mom love you".

After breakfast we get into the car and start driving to Chloe and Noah's house. Once we arrived I jump out and knock on the door Chloe opens it and gives me a massive hug. I squeeze her back. "Oh my gosh, y/n you don't know how excited I am for today!" She tells me. "Well by the way you squeezed me and broke like all my ribs I'm guessing you're pretty excited." I respond. She smiles back at me and runs over to the car. Then I hear Noah come out. "NOAH CMON WE ARE GONNA BE LATE" I hear Chloe shout from the car. "Hey" Noah says. "Hi" I say back. It's really awkward since we know what's going to happen today. "We should really get going or else we are going to be really late since we are getting Starbucks" I tell him. "Oh ok" he says and then follows me to the car and we start driving.

We go to Starbucks and get our favorite drinks and then mom drops us off by the gate. "Have a good day guys, see you later" my mom tells us. "Thanks y/m/n see you later" Chloe says. "Bye" me and Noah say. "JINX" we both shout and then start laughing. We head over to Julia and Ben because they are talking. We then all go into the auditorium and meet up with the rest of the cast and crew.

*time skip timeeeeee*

After a long day of rehearsing and sound checks and costume fittings it's finally time to get ready. I help all the other girls get ready until finally is my turn to get ready. Ava does my makeup while Julia and Jenna help with my hair. I put on my rag costume and sat down on a chair to wait until it's my queue.

It's 7 o'clock and the curtains are just about to go up. My hands are shaking and I feel like I'm about to throw up but it's ok because Noah is in the wings giving me a thumbs up. Jeez how could someone look so gorgeous wearing a fake plastic crown and wearing the weirdest suit I've ever seen then suddenly i hear the curtains go up. I get into position and then the spotlight hits me.

The boy I fell in love with/ Noah schnapp x readerWhere stories live. Discover now