Chapter 3 : rooftop thoughts

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*y/n's pov*
As soon as I get home I go and change I wear a yellow tube top and some ripped jeans. I dump my bag onto the floor and flop onto my bed. I can't believe THE Noah Schnapp is inviting me to his house for the first time in 3 years. A few hours pass and I have done my homework and it's almost 6:40. "Oh shit I should go now" I say to myself. As I start walking I saw a group of girls staring at me. "Hey look she's over there" one girl says. "Oh my gosh I heard that she KISSED Noah under the bleachers why would he even choose HER" another girl says. I keep my head down and start walking faster. "What a slut shes-". I start running with tears in my eyes, why does everyone hate me so much, there all just rumors, she's right Noah wouldn't ever choose me...

I approach Noah's door and knock on it. My eyes are still red but I don't care. Noah's mom opens the door. "Y/n is that you? Wow you have gotten even more beautiful! How are you I haven't seen you in ages" karine exclaims. "Nice to see you again mrs.Schnapp." I reply. "I'm guess your here for one of my children ahah" she says with a warm smile "well Noah's in his room and Chloe's out with some friends so I guess it's Noah go ahead upstairs and please, call me karine". "Ok thank you see you later karine" I say as I head upstairs.

I knock on Noah's door and wait for a reply. "You May enter" I hear a voice from inside the room. I giggle and open the door. I see Noah sitting at his desk playing Minecraft. "Hey" I say softly, the sight of Noah makes me think of the girls talking shit about me, I feel the tears burning up in my eyes again. "Hey are you crying?" Noah asks. I look away and shake my head. " y/n you can talk to me, come here". He walks over to the bed and gestures for me to come over. I walk over and sit next to him as a tear falls down my cheek. "People hate me" I say. Noah pauses and thinks about something "well fuck those people because I don't hate you and Chloe doesn't hate you and my mom looooves you"

"Noah you don't understand they whispered about me and called me a slut for hanging out with you and were making up rumors about us" I explain to Noah "hey y/n, follow me" he grabs my hand and takes me to the window " go out the window" he says "what?!" I say "now, go out and I'll follow" "ummm isn't it like really high up though?" "Y/n do u trust me?" Noah says "well yeah bu-" Noah pushes me through the window and it opens up to a roof that seems pretty stable. Noah climbes out the window and sits right next to me. "This is where I go to think" he says. We both stare out at the sun that's falling quickly. "I'm sorry for dragging you into my life but I can't keep you out any longer" Noah whispers into my ear. I get chills. He grips my hand and I stare at him "it's ok, I'm just a drama queen" I tell him "no, your not and you know your not, those words would sting for everyone even for those bitches and your not a slut." I smile "thanks".

"What are you thinking about?" Noah asks me "what?" "I told you this is where I go to think so I'm asking you what are you thinking about" "oh umm" what do I say??? That I really wanna kiss him, noooo way he doesn't even feel that way. "The sunset is pretty" I say trying to cover it up "just like you" Noah mumbles under his breath. "What did u just say?!" I ask him. " oh nothing, no it's fine I was just saying that I umm need to umm poo, be right back" he stumbles of the roof and heads through the window. DID THAT JUST HAPPEN DID NOAH SAY I WAS PRETTY!!!!!! OMGG MAYBE HE DOES FEEL THE SAME WAY IM GONNA CRY he comes back a few minutes later " sorry about that, that was a bit tmi" "Noah?" I say. "Yeah?" "I heard what you reallyyy said" "you.. you did?" "Yeah..." he looks away, blushing. He turns to me again "I'm sorry ahahha" he apologizes "no it's fine honestly I really don't mind." "You dont?" He asks "nope". He leans in closer OMG HES GONNA KISS ME HES GONNA KISS ME REPEAT HES GONNA KISS MEEEE!!! Suddenly the window bursts open. "NOAH IM HOMEEEEE" Chloe shouts. Noah looks up "OK NOW SHUT UPPPP" the moment is over. "OMG IM SO SORRY I RUINED YOUR MOMENT" she shouts. "THERE WAS NONE CHLOE NOW SHUT UPPPP" Noah screams back. My hearts sinks is he just covering up what happened or does he really believe there's nothing.

He climbs over to the window "it's kinda getting cold, wanna play bed wars??" He asks me. "Umm sure". After a few hours of playing bedwars and exploring caves in survival mode my mom calls me. "Hey, y/n me and dad can't collect you because we have to bring the car to the garage because we need new tires could Noah walk you home?" "Ya I'll ask bye mom" "bye sweetie". I turn to Noah "hey I have to go home can you walk me home please, my mom is like obsessed with my saftey but I guess she's just looking out for me aha" I ask. "Yeah sure, do you wanna borrow one of my hoodies it's pretty cold out there" Noah says "sure" I answer OMG NOAHS GIVING ME ONE OF HIS HOODIES AHHHH he starts to take of the one he has on but his shirt kinda goes up a bit and I see a six pack. My eyes widen damn whys he so hottt he hands me the hoodie. "It's my fav but it's really soft and warm so you can have it" "thanks" I reply. He grabs another hoodie and says "alright let's go"

We walk down stairs and see karine and Chloe sitting down on the couch. Chloe's drinking a can of coke. "Hey mom I'm walking y/n home" Noah tells his mom. They both turn around and Chloe chokes on her coke "Noah is that your hoodie that y/n's wearing?" Karine asks "Yeah, it's freezing outside and she didn't bring a jacket." Noah replys "alright well stay safe, night y/n" karine says. "Bye lovebirdssss" Chloe says and karine thumps her on her knee to tell her to shut up. "Owww" she calls out. We walk out of the house and start walking. "Are your hands cold?" Noah asks me "a little why?" I ask. He grabs my hand "mine are too" I turn away and smile to my self.

Once we get to my house Noah says "see you tomorrow" "bye Noah" I say. He gives me a quick hug and smiles at me and then turns away. I go inside and go into my room, get into my pjs and go to bed with a smile on my face. :)

Hey guys this was so cute to write anyway I promise it will get more interesting I'm just... building the story yeahhh that's what I'll say anyway I've gotten more reads yay bye schnippers 💜💖

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