Chapter 5: will you be my prince?

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I wake up really early. I couldn't sleep with the nervousness, me and Noah texted all night until I really needed to go to sleep as my eyes were closing. I wear some ripped jeans and a billie Eilish hoodie (if u don't like Billie, idek why u wouldn't then pretends it's ur fav artists hoodie)
I throw on my converse and take some pop tarts out of the cupboard and head to school.

Me and Noah meet by my locker because we both have first period together. Most people have stopped coming up to get pictures from him so we can walk to class in peace. Our first teacher is Mr. Rothman and he goes on and on about atoms until finally the class is over. "I'll see you later Noah" I tell him. "Yeah, see ya later at my locker" he replies. "You know it" i walk out of the classroom and go to my next class.

Finally it's lunchtime and I head to Noah's locker. He's already there waiting for me. I tap him on the shoulder. "Noahhhh, cmon lets go eat lunch" Hes looking the other way " Noah?" I ask. I look over his shoulder and see Chloe kissing a guy. Noah looks sad so I ask him if everything's alright. "Yeah I guess it's just Chloe never told me about him and we always tell each other everything" Noah says. "Hey, don't worry about. She probably has an explanation and she'll tell you later, you've just been busy with the auditions and stuff" I tell him. "I guess...". "Noah Cameron Schnapp I don't like seeing you upset so we are going to cheer you up right now" I tell him as grab his hand and drag him to my locker. I take out a box and open it. "What's that?" Noah asks "gogo squeezes" I say. " you keep gogo squeezes on your locker?" He asks me. "Um yes I actually do just Incase you get upset so shut up and eat your gogo squeeze"

We sit down at an empty table and eat our lunch. Finally, we hear a voice booming from the speakers... "DEAR STUDENTS PLEASE NOTE THAT THE CAST FOR CINDERELLA IS PINNED OUTSIDE OF THE CAFETERIA IF YOU HAVE ANY ISSUES WITH THUS PLEASE SEE MS BELLS HAVE A GOOD DAY"

Me and Noah run out the cafeteria along with some other people who auditioned. We race over to the pin board and and look at the list....

Stepmom: Becca Daly
Stepsister 1: Ava dilorenzo
Stepsister 2: Chloe Schnapp
Fairy godmother: Julia raskin
Jaq (mouse): Ben rothman
Prince Charming: Noah Schnapp
Cinderella : y/n y/l/n
Please note Smaller characters are on the other sheet

Noah and I start screaming and jumping up and down. He then gives me a massive hug that lasts for at least 30 seconds.omg why can't he hold me like that normally I think to myself. Finally he lets go and gives Chloe a hug even though it was really awkward. I think she knows that Noah knows about the boy. I go over to Chloe and congratulate her and she hugs me. "Thanks y/n you're going to be amazing as Cinderella!" She tells me. I smile at her and go back over to Noah.

"Wanna go for a walk?" He asks me. I smile and we start walking. We walk out of the hallway and go to the football field. We sit on the bleachers in silence. Finally I say "will you be my prince?" "Huh?" Noah says "shit that was cringy, I meant ummm" I struggle to find the right words. "Ahahah y/n it's fine I know what you mean, yes of course I'll be your prince but only if you will be my cinders." He tells me "of course" I say.

We hear the bell and start walking back to the school building. We get our things from the cafeteria and go to class.
Hey schnippers! I've had a couple more reads thank you! Anyway sorry this one is short I promise the next one is gonna be really juicy see you later ❤️💚💖💜😘

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