Chapter 28: blood, sweat and tears

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Y/n's pov

Chloe grabs me and pulls me out the door. "Well um... that's over" I say. She puts her hand on my shoulder. "You Okay now?" She says. "I'm- better I guess" I say as I giggle a bit. "Hey I know what would cheer you up." Chloe says. "What?" I question. "Friends!" She says as she takes out her phone. She creates a group chat:

Chlo💗💀 added jules😻, ava👑, vegan jenna🌱, ben👀, Aaron🥰, sam😹 and Alex🥳 to the group

Hey boos we have a big emergency and I need everyone at the park in 10 k?
Oh is this about-
Vegan jenna🌱
About what?
I'll tell you there when we get there
Me toooo
Yes Ava u too
Heheheh yay
Ok see you in 10
Ugh fine Chlo
I'll be there
Yeah same

I shut my phone off. Great now I gotta tell everyone we continue walking towards the park. When we reach the gate I see Julia, Ben and Ava talking. We go up to them. Julia immediately gives me a hug. Ben and Ava stares at us. "Ohhhh, well I'm something kinda happened" Julia says. "What happened y/n?" Ben says. "Noah kinda... cheated on me..." I say. "Oh my god no" Ava says as she and Ben comes over and hugs me. "Omg guys your crushing me" I say. "Is that why you left in English?" Ava says. "Yes" I say. Then Jenna and Sam comes up. Chloe explains what happened to them. "What a shithead omg" Jenna says. "Oh I was wondering why noah wasn't added to the group." Sam says. Chloe laughs "Yup that's why". Finally Aaron and Alex comes up. I go over and hug Aaron. "Woah woah what's all this?" Aaron says as he points at me hugging him. "Noah cheated on her" Ben says. "What?!" Alex says. "Omg is this true, love?"Aaron says. I nod. "I- seriously. I'm about to beat a bitch up." Alex says "I can't believe it after all you have been through together".

"Wanna get ice cream?" Jenna says changing the subject. "Yes" I say as I let go of Aaron. We walk over to the ice cream truck and all get cones. We sit on the stone on the statue in the middle of the park. "Is it just me or has it gotten really dark?" Ava says. We look up. The sun has almost set. "Omg Yes, what time is it?" Jules asks. Sam looks at his watch. "9:56" he says. Me and Chloe look at each other. "How did it become so late?" I say to her. "I don't know how long we're we at my house?" She asks me. "God I must cry a lot" I say and we all laugh. Once were finished we start walking around the park. In the distance we see a playground. "Let's go there!" Ben says. "Hah your such a child Ben" Ava says but we all agree and walk over. Aaron and I go on the swings while everyone else goes on the slide.

"I can't believe he really did that to you" Aaron says. "Me neither...." I say. "You guys were going so well" he says "If Alex did that I would kill him." "I can't really bring myself to do it tho" I tell him. "You just gotta stand up and give him a taste of his own medicine" aaron says. I laugh "you sound like Max from stranger things." "Well then you gotta get someone new honey" Aaron tells me. "I don't want to..." I say quietly I- really can't I'm not ready. He's the only person I've ever loved
"Well then if you need someone to beat him up you know who to call" Aaron says. We laugh.

The thing about Aaron is that he's very aggressive. He will always try to wrestle you and sometimes gets a little bit too mad. For example one time I spilled water on him he talked me to the floor and started slapping me. I mean I know he was joking but sometimes he takes it too far.

When everyone is done we hop of the swings and walk over to them. "What do you wanna do now?" Chloe says. "I don't know" Julia says. "I think we should go home" sam says "y/n most likely needs sleep". "Your probably right Sam" I say as we all laugh. We talk for a while until we start walking home. We all walk in one group and we go down the neighborhood where Chloe and I live. When we get into the neighborhood we see a boy walking down the path. He had a black hoodie on . They were walking quickly, Like they were walking away from something.

"You gotta be shitting me" Ben says. We all look over to Ben as he's staring at the boy. "What?" I say. I see the boy look up. I would recognize the face from anywhere. Noah.

"Well what a surprise!" Julia says sarcastically. Noah looks down and starts walking faster. Alex steps in front of him. "Nuh uh not so fast" he says. Noah looks up at all of us staring at him. He looks at me for a tiny bit longer but then looks away. "What do you want from me guys" Noah says calmly. "Oh nothing just wondering why you would wanna ruin someone's life" Jenna says. "I never did" Noah says to her. "Oh really?! Well if you look over there you might see an amazing girl who YOU cheated on for some ugly whore and I think we're all pretty sure you ruined her life" Jenna snaps back as she points at me. "She's not a whore" Noah mumbles. "What did you say?" Ava says "Noah, if you've forgotten Becca has stolen like 50 girls boyfriends, how can you be so naïve?".


"Listen man, what you did was a shitty thing and now you're saying Becca isn't a whore, I mean is your brain okay?" Aaron says. "It's perfectly fine" Noah says. "Then why did you cheat on her dude?" Aaron asks him. "I- I don't know" Noah stutter out. "Aww you see he knows he's in the wrong but he's tryna act tough" Sam laughs. "Poor baby Noah, will we get him a bottle?" Aaron says as he laughs. I look down at my feet. Chloe squeezes my hand tight. "Dude, shut up" noah says angrily. "Oh you wanna go Schnapp?" Aaron says. "Aaron no-" I say. He turns around and looks at me. "You really gonna let him go?" Aaron says. I look at Noah. I can see the worry in his eyes. I take a deep breath. "Yes, now leave him alone" I say.
"Fine, go noah, you wimp" Aaron says as he pushes noah on the shoulder. "What the hell?" Noah says. "I said go, your obviously not tough enough and even your ex thinks so" Aaron says. "I never said that!" I say getting angry. "Y/n stay out of it" Chloe whispers to me.

I watch as Noah tries to walk past Aaron. He goes around but Aaron puts his foot out and trips Noah. Noah lands on the floor flat on his face. You could hear his chin whacking off the pavement. Noah gets up. "Aww you gonna cry baby? Do you want your mom?" Aaron says. Just then Noah puts his fist up. He punches Aaron in the face. "NOAH" Chloe says. Aaron grabs him and shoves him to the floor. Noah kicks him and tries to get up but Aaron pushes him back down. Aaron punches him in the face. I try to run over but Chloe holds onto me. Noah looks up at Aaron. He gets up and shoves Aaron. I see Noah's nose bleeding. Aaron slaps him and punches him in the stomach. Noah collapses down on the ground. Aaron gets on top of him and starts punching him in the face. "AARON STOP!" I scream.

This time Chloe can't hold me back and I run up to the them. Tears are streaming down my face. "AARON LET GO" I shout at him. I try to pull Aaron of Noah but he won't budge. I feel Ben and Ava pulling me off Aaron. "NOAH" I cry as I try to get Aaron of his. As Aaron is punching Noah he elbows me in the neck. I fall of him with Ben and Ava still holding me. I see Noah struggling. "PLEASE" I cry. I see Sam and Alex trying to pull Aaron of Noah. "CMON MAN HES HAD ENOUGH" Sam shouts and Aaron. "AARON GET OFF NOAH" Chloe shouts. She comes over and everyone pulls Aaron of Noah. Aaron looks at Noah and starts running down the street they all start running after him, while I'm left with Noah. Noah's face covered in blood. I help him sit up. I brush his hair out of his face. he looks weak and can barely move. "Noah?" I say. My tears fall down my cheek onto him. "Noah cmon talk to me" "NOAH!" Noah lies there motionless. His lip is busted open with blood pouring out of them. Finally he twitches his eyes open. I cry of relief. He looks at me. I stare into his eyes. He then breaks down and starts sobbing. I pull him into my arms. "Im sorry y/n" he says between sobs. "Shhhh it's okay noah" I say. "I shouldn't have done it" he says as he cries into my arms. "I know you shouldn't have" I say. He looks up at me. I wipe the blood of his lip. "I love you" Noah says. I look down "If you did you wouldn't of kissed Becca". "SHE KISSED ME! Y/N I WOULD NEVR CHEAT ON YOU ON PURPOSE I- I KNOW IM A REALLY SHITTY BOYFRIEND BUT I PROMISE SHE KISSED ME AND I SHOUDVE PULLED AWAY I DONT KNOW WHY I DIDNT AND IM SORRY" Noah says. I look at him. I hug him. We both cry into each others shoulders. "Noah we gotta get you home" I say to him. "Wait- no please stay. For a tiny bit longer" even though it kills me to I can't leave him I sigh. "Okay"

Yeah so I just wrote like two chapters in one night but I really wanted to write them heheheh so I won't update for a while but um yeah byeee

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