Chapter 10: the call

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I flop down on my bed after taking off all my make up. It's around 11:50 and I've had a long week so I decide to go to bed. I get into my favorite cozy pajamas and put on some fluffy socks. I lie down and close my eyes. I just listen to the rain dripping all over the window. I think about all that has happened today. I have never been as happy as I was today. I daydream about Noah until I fall asleep.

A couple of days later it's Monday again.i get up, get dressed and head downstairs. I grab an apple and run out the door. I see Chloe and Noah walking towards me so I jog up to them. Thankfully they are talking again so it's not super awkward anymore. "Hey guys!" I shout over to them. "Heyyy" Noah says. "Hi y/n!" Chloe says. We continue to walk to school and talk about random stuff but I can't help notice that Noah seems really giddy for some reason. "Noah, are you ok? You seem really hyper today." I ask him. "What? Oh I'm fine I'm just excited because we are.... we're having pizza for dinner yes that's it" he explains. "But Noah mom said that we are having chicken-" Chloe says. "No no no Chloe she changed her mind, remember?" Noah tells Chloe. I raise my eyebrows suspiciously and continue walking.

After a long day of geometry and verbs schools finally over. I walk to Chloe and Noah's house with them. We go inside and start doing some homework, but we get board and we go on our phones. "Chloe! You have tennis remember cmon or else we are gonna be late!" We hear their dad shout. "Ughhh fine ok I'm coming dad wait!" Chloe says as she gets up and walks out the door. "See you later guys" She tells us and we both wave at her. "Oh my god y/n come over here and look at this tiktok it's so funny" Noah says while laughing. He shows me the tiktok and we both start uncontrollably laughing. I then hear my phone ring so I run over to it. Noah jumps up and looks over my shoulder. "Who is it?" He asks. "I don't know it's an unknown number" I tell him. "Just answer it" he says. "Fine" I say as I press the button.

"Hello?" I say

"Hey is this y/n y/l/n?" A guy asks

"Yes, who's this?"

"Hey y/n this is Matt duffer and I'm here with my brother Ross, we created the show stranger things"

"Ohh yeah I've heard about you before, wait how did you get my number?"

"Noah gave it to us, Noah Schnapp"

"But, why?"

"Well Noah showed us the video of your schools production of Cinderella and we were really intrigued with your performance and we are looking for young actors or actresses for stranger things season 4 so we were wondering would you like to audition as Noah told us you are a very good actress and we need the best of the best so what do you think?"

"Oh my goshhh, well.... I mean I- I would love too"

"Really? That's amazing thank you so much. All you need to do is record an audition tape and send it to the email I sent you and us and our casting director Carmen Cuba will review it and see if you make the cut"

"Thank you so much!"

"No problem, I have sent you a couple of scripts that you could use for your audition piece so just choose one and use it"

"Omg I will thank you, again"

"It's my pleasure y/n hope to see you soon bye"


I hang up the phone shaking. Noah stares at me with an evil grin. "NOAH WHAT DID YOU DO"
I say. "You have talent y/n and I wanted to share it with the world" Noah tells me. "I can't believe that just happened" I say. "Well it did so suck it up, go home and make that audition tape" he says as he grabs my backpack and pushes it into my arms. "Thank you noah, for everything, really" I tell him. "Y/n you don't need to thank me, you need to thank your parents for making the most talented girl in the world" Noah says as he pulls me into a hug. I run home with a skip in my step. I can't wait to tell my mom and dad. When I finally reach the door I run inside to the kitchen. "MOM, DAD NOAH SHOWED THE DUFFER BROTHERS THE CINDERELLA TAPE AND THEY WANT ME TO AUDITION FOR SEASON 4 OF STRANGER THINGS" I scream. "OMG THATS AMAZING Y/N!" Mom screams too. "IM GOING TO AUDITION RIGHT NOW" I say as I run upstairs. I throw school bag down on the floor and get my ring light and place my phone in it. I then look at the links to the scripts the duffers sent me. They sent scripts of different movies so I chose my favorite out of all them. I smiled at the camera and pressed record.
"Hi I'm y/n......."
Hey schnippers sorry this ones a bit short but I'm tired, anyways this is a boring chapter but they will get better I promise byeeee 🔥😎🤭❤️💖🥵💵😍

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