Chapter 18: pool party (part 2)

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Y/n's pov

As soon as school has finished. Noah and I head to my house to help set up the backyard. We come in through the door and grab a snack. "Hey mom" I say to mom when I notice her sitting in the couch. "We're gonna set up now" I tell her. "Ok call dad and I if you need any help" she tells me. We walk through the glass door and start to set up the patio. We put up the tables and chairs and then bring out the drinks and snacks. We walk over to the pool and jacuzzi and start stringing fairy lights around the trees. Noah holds the ladder while I go up and hook them on. When we get to the last tree I go up with the rest of the lights. I set them up but when I try to go down my foot wobbles. I fall of and land flat on my ass. Mother trucker dude that heart like a butt cheek on a stick (once again if you know this Ily 😻) "omg y/n are you okay" Noah says as he comes over and picks me up. "Yeah I'm fine my ass is a little bit sore but other than that I'm fine" I tell him.

We go over and we set up the speakers for the music. Noah then goes home to get changed. I go up to my room to get changed. I go through all of my bathing suits and I find the perfect one. I put it on and put an oversized t shirt over it.

 I put it on and put an oversized t shirt over it

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(That's what the bikini looks like)

I head downstairs and grab some towels to put outside. Finally dad and I start blowing up some floaties and we finish up. I turn the heater on in the pool and jacuzzi and go inside and wait for people to show up. Suddenly there's a knock at the door. I jump off the couch and walk over to the door. Outside are Aaron and Alex. "Hey guys so glad you could come!" I tell them. "Happy birthday y/n!" They both say and give me hugs. We sit down on the couch and wait for more people. Gradually everyone shows up all that are missing are Chloe, Noah, Sam, Becca and lily. I hear a knock and I go over and open it. It's Noah, Chloe and Sam . "Hey guys!" I say. They each give me and hug and Noah kisses me. "I'll give you your present later okay?" Noah says. "Oh my god Noah I thought the locker was my present" I tell him. "That was your starter present" he says with a smile as he holds my hand and we walk over to the couch. "Why are we waiting for let's go!" Ben says. "We have to wait for Becca and lily" I say as I roll my eyes. "Why did you even invite them y/n?" Jenna asks me. "Mom said I had to, she said it would be a 'Bonding experience' " I say with air quotes. We all start laughing until I hear a knock. I go over and open the door. It's Becca and lily. "Oh my god happy birthday y/n!" Becca says as she gives me a massive hug. Ew get off me lily comes over to me. "Here" lily says as she hands me a bag. "Oh, thank you" I tell her. "I hope you like it I isn't know which one you liked better so I got that one." Becca tells me. I put it next to all the other presents that people brought and I open the patio door. " cmon guys let's go!" I say.

We all run out and take off our clothes. We then jump in all at the same time. We splash around for a bit until we do dominos. "We should play chicken fights!" Ava says. "Oh my god yes" I say "who wants to go first?" Julia says. "How bout Chloe and Noah?" Jenna says. "Okay sister vs brother rivalry I like it" Noah says. Chloe hops onto sams shoulders while Noah goes on Alex's. The both push each other around but finally Chloe pushes Noah off. All the girls chant "Chloe chloe chloe chloe" and screams. "Okay how about Jenna and Ava?" Ben says. "Yesss" we all say. Ava goes on Ben while Jenna goes on noah. In the end Ava wins. "Awww shit" Jenna says. "Okay me and lily should have a go" Becca says. "Okay" i say. "Noah can I go on your shoulders?" Becca says oh no she didn't ima bout to beat a bitch up. "Oh um sure" Noah replies. He looks at me and I nod. Lily gets on Aaron's. They fight it out but Becca shoves lily and she falls. "Yessss omg I won wow Noah you're so strong" she says. Noah ignores her "y/n come get on mine" Noah tells me. I swim over to him and get on him. "Who's going against me?" I say. "I will" Ben says. He gets on top of Julia's shoulders and we start. I almost lose my balance but Noah holds onto my legs tight. Then I lean forward and push Ben as hard as I can. He comes toppling down. "YAY I WINNNN" I scream. Then Noah drops me down. I get surprised so I swallow a bit of water. Once I get up I splash Noah. "Omg Noah I drank some water what the hell" I say. He gives me a hug "I'm sorry babe I didn't mean to hurt you" he says. "It's ok you'll get karma" i say. "Wha-" He says as I jump on top of him and pushes him down underwater . He then bobs back up and splashes me. Then they all join in and we all start splashing each other.

After a couple of hours swimming and playing mermaids and all that jazz we get hungry and come out of the pool. " mom we are really hungry can we get food?" I say. "Sure hon I called dominos and it will be here soon." Mom says. "Kk" I say and I go back over to the group. I go over to the laptop and start playing my playlist. I sit next to noah and Chloe and we talk for a while until the pizza comes. Finally it comes and we wolf it down. Everyone goes silent until I hear my mom singing happy birthday. I turn around and see my mom and dad coming out with a big birthday cake. It's two tiered with frosting and edible Flowers. There is tons of candles on the cake and we watch them illuminate the sunset. They all join in singing and Noah puts his arm around me. "Happy birthday to y/n happy birthday to youuuu" they all sing as mom puts the cake out infront of me. I blow out the candles and make a wish. Then mom dishes out the cake and we eat it. Dad comes out with sparklers so we all take one and play with them for a while. "Hey y/n you should open your presents right now" Chloe suggests. "Okay" I say as I grab all the presents by the door. I take them outside and start opening them. Most of them are money but Chloe gives me an amazon gift card and bracelet. "Awww Chloe these are amazing thanks so much." I say. "Here, open mine" Becca says as she hands me the bag. I open the bag and see a James Charles morphe pallet. "Omg Becca you shouldn't have this is I- thank you" I say in shock why is she being so nice to me today whaaaa finally mom and dad come out with a box. "Happy birthday y/n I hope you love it" they say. They hand me the box. I open the lid and see a brand new phone."Oh my god" I say and I get up and give them a hug. I look over to the table and look at my dodgy old iPhone 6. "Thank you so much" I say. "Hey noah what about your gift?" Chloe says. "Oh um I'll give it to her later" he tells her. "Okay" Chloe says. "Okay were going to bed now y/n see you tomorrow love you" mom says. "Okay" i say as I look at the time 11:30 pm

After a while of dancing from the music peopke start heading inside. Finally it's just me and Noah. We are sitting at the table when he looks at me. "Okay I'll give you your gift now I just wanted it to be me and you alone." Noah says. "Okay" I say. He then hands me a parcel. I open it and see a box. "You... got me a... box" I say. "No silly open it" he says. I open the box and see a beautiful gold necklace it has a love heart on it. "Omg Noah how much did this cost?" I ask him. "Don't even worry about it" he says. I start tearing up. "Do you not like it?" Noah says with a worried face. "No noah I- I love it it's beautiful" I say "this is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me, thank you" I say. I give him a hug. "Hey umm wanna go to the hot tub?" Noah asks me. "Okay" I say. I put the necklace carefully in the box and put it on the table because I don't want it to get wet.

We walk over to the hot tub and I turn on the bubbles. I get in and so does noah. He sits next to me and puts his arm around me. I lay my head on his shoulder. "Sooo how's life?" Noah asks me. "Ugh shut up" I say and then I smash my lips into his. He grabs me by the waist and pulls me onto his lap. He wraps his arms round my waist. We start to make out. He bites my lip a few times but I really don't mind oop. He kisses me so passionately. He then leaves a hickey or two on my neck. Bish how tf is he so good at this omg and how is so he so fucking hottttttWe make out for at least like another ten minutes until I hear to door open. I look over Noah's shoulder and see Becca gawping at us. I jump of Noah's lap and act like we weren't doing anything. "Oh. My. God. Sorry for interrupting you guys I'll go" Becca says as she runs back in and slams the door. " ohhh shit we should go back in" i tell noah. "Okay but one quick thing" he says as he puts his hand on my check and kisses me. "Okay now we're done" he says. "At least it wasn't my parents" I say and we both start laughing. We grab the two towels left and my necklace and walk in.

Everyone stares at us. "What?" I say as they all burst out laughing. Mom comes down the stairs. "Guys can you bit a bit quieter it's 1 in the morning" she says. "Sorry mom we will be quieter" I say. "Wait how are you still wet, you got out of the pool like two hours ago" she asks me. " oh that I- noah pushed me into the pool didn't you noah?" I say as I stare at Noah. "Yeah you did" Noah says. "Then how are you wet Noah?" Mom says. "Y/n pulled me in so we both fell in" Noah says. "Okay night all" mom says as she heads upstairs. "Night" everyone says. As soon as they hear the door close they start quietly laughing again. "What's so funny omg" I say. "Oh my god y/ n are those hickeys?!" Chloe says As she points at my neck. "Maybe" I say " it's none of your business bruh". They all start laughing again.

After talking for hours we all finally pass out with tiredness. Me and Noah snuggle up on the carpet since there's like no room on the couch and I dream about how amazing today was.

Yeah ummm so this chapter was 2101 words so I'll probably not update tomorrow but they say after so I hope you liked this chapter and this was the longest one I've made so yeah byeeeeeeee ly 💏💏💏👁👅👁😃 sorry I'm so weird omg

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